Cows in Canada carry out the "great escape" and cause chaos
 Cows in Canada carry out the "great escape" and cause chaos 11607
The herd consists of 20 cows
A herd of about 20 cows has become the daily star of news broadcasts on Canadian television stations, as these fleeing animals from their farm cause chaos wherever they are in the province of Quebec, and no one has yet succeeded in controlling them.
The beginning of the story of the "great escape" dates back to the summer, when the cows discovered a gap in the fence of the farm located in St. Neighboring Sevier.
The cows used to spend the day in this forest and leave it at night to graze in the fields of corn and soybeans, causing damage to part of the crops.
"The animals hide during the day in the woods, but as soon as evening comes, they come out, approach the buildings, tear sacks, and try to eat the crops," said Marie-Andre Cadoret, who works for the municipality.

Runaway cows escape from captivity in Quebec
And these cows have benefited greatly so far from the confusion of the authorities regarding determining the responsibility for handling the situation, and the authority that the matter falls within its powers.
Given that the herd consists of small cows that were not domesticated for a long time and therefore returned semi-wild, the municipality decided to seek the help of cowboys.
"We managed to regroup the herd of cows, but things went wrong when we came across a big field of corn that had not yet been threshed and we lost the animals in the corn," said Rodeo director Sylvain Bourgeois, who took over the operation.

Cattle chaos: Quebec farmers are unable to graze runaway cows
Media coverage of the case in recent days has prompted the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture to intervene to address this "complex and unprecedented situation". A new plan is expected to be implemented to attract cows with fodder to be able to catch them.
The cow owner hopes that his animals will respond, especially since the snow and frost season is just around the corner.

Source : websites