The discovery of a new planet twice as dense as Earth and 300 light !years away
The discovery of a new planet twice as dense as Earth and 300 light !years away 4-10
Astronomers have discovered a new exoplanet that has left them very perplexed about the way giant planets formed. This planet, which they called HD-114082b, does not match its characteristics with either of the two prevailing models that scientists have developed for the way giant gas planets form. It is heavy. It is very old for its estimated age of only 15 million years.
The formation of HD-114082b does not fit either of the two models that scientists have developed for how exoplanets form.
HD-114082b is one of the youngest exoplanets ever discovered.
Studying it opens the way for a more accurate understanding of the true way exoplanets formed.
Scientists have put together two approximate models for the way planets formed over millions of years, one is a cold start, and the other is a hot start.
In the formation of the planet from a cold start, it is believed that the outer planet is formed by collecting one pebble after another from the debris that revolves around the star, so they are attracted to each other electrostatically, then the gravity increases and thus the speed of growth increases, and the more massive it becomes, this stimulates the unbridled accumulation of hydrogen and helium because they are the lightest known elements In the universe, this accumulation results in the formation of the gaseous envelope around the rocky core.
As for the hot start, it is defined as an instability in the formations that revolve around the star, and part of it collapses due to gravity, forming a fully formed exoplanet that does not have a rocky core, and this leads to the gases retaining their high temperature for long periods.
Scientists believe that the two types of planets have distinct differences that can be observed. But what greatly puzzled them about the planet HD-114082b is that it could not have formed in a cold way because it is completely gaseous. Cold and hot start.
Astrophysicist Olga Zakhozai of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany confirms that the density of this new planet is two to three times the density of any giant gaseous planet of 15 million years old, and that it is 30 light-years away.

HD-114082b is considered one of the smallest exoplanets ever discovered, and scientists hope that with more study and data collection on it, whether by radioactive velocity data or by studying the star's brightness, they will be able to understand it more, which may be a greater opportunity to know. The sure way to form planets outside the solar system, which is something that scientists are completely ignorant of, despite the many theories in this regard.

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