?Who was the first to visit Mars
?Who was the first to visit Mars 2139
?Who was the first to visit Mars
Knowledge of the planet Mars dates back more than 4,000 years, when its path was drawn by the ancient Egyptians for the first time.
The first trip to Mars to this planet was by NASA in 1964 AD, but it did not succeed!!
The Italian astronomer Giovanni Thiabali was the first to draw a map of Mars in 1877 AD, then the American scientist Percival Lowell described the planet in 1910 AD, and then the American missions began trying to photograph this planet in the early sixties, and man has not yet reached this planet.

Human attempts to reach Mars
NASA is considering sending a human to Mars by 2030 AD, after it was discovered 40 years ago by a spacecraft, and there have been many attempts to reach this planet, some of which are as follows:
Corbel 5 Flight:
It is considered a failed flight launched by the Soviet Union in 1960 AD, and after that it launched several attempts with the same name, including what was destroyed.
Mars 1 shuttle flight:
A Soviet flight was launched on November 1, 1962 AD, but it failed, as it lost the signal with the earth and did not return to it.
Marines 4:
The first successful trip to Mars was launched by NASA in 1964, an American vehicle that was able to take close-up pictures of the planet and its atmosphere.
Mariner 9 vehicle:
A successful trip to Mars was launched on May 30, 1971 AD. This vehicle orbited Mars and studied the atmospheric composition and terrain.
Mars Pathfinder probe:
It was launched on the fourth of December 1996, and it arrived a year after its launch, and it is the first successful mission since Viking, which took many pictures and data about the weather, but lost contact with it.
"Perseverance" is the last of the current missions
The first spacecraft to record the sound of the Red Planet, in addition to allowing us to hear the sound of winds on another world, and providing information about the atmosphere.
Obstacles to human access to Mars
NASA's space agency attempts remained serious to send astronauts to Mars, but a number of obstacles prevented humans from reaching it, namely:
Distance: The trip to Mars takes about 6-9 months, as there are 56,327,040 km separating the Earth from Mars, which makes logistics difficult.
Solar flares: Solar flares are a major concern. The glow is equivalent to 100 million hydrogen shells, and it is dangerous for a space traveler to Mars to be infected with these radiations, or to stay for several days, and this was confirmed by astrobiology professor Louis Dartnell.
Oxygen and food: Geologists confirm that Mars is an ice planet, but the method of extracting water is difficult.
Returning to Earth: This is one of the problems facing putting forward any idea to reach Mars, as in the event that a person reaches Mars, he needs to redirect a missile to Earth, and it is difficult to transport fuel for the astronauts’ rockets.

The first spacecraft to land on Mars
The Viking 1 vehicle is the first vehicle to land on the surface of Mars, and it is the first American mission, and it consists of two vehicles, Viking 1 and Viking 2. Viking 1 landed on the western gold plain of Mars, and the objectives of the mission were limited to taking pictures, collecting scientific data, and conducting biological experiments on Mars. The possibility of life on Mars. The journey lasted four years, ended in 1978 AD, and reached Earth in 1982 AD.

Characteristics of the planet Mars
Mars is distinguished from other planets by many features, including:
The seasons of Mars differ from Earth, as the year there takes 669 Martian days, and Mars rotates on its axis in 24.6 hours. This changes the angle of the axis of rotation, which leads to climate variability.
Mars has a thin atmosphere, with an average temperature of minus 27 degrees Celsius, and contains carbon dioxide, nitrogen and argon.
The planet's topography varies between mountains, valleys, and volcanoes. There is the largest volcano in the solar system, at an altitude of 9.6 km. The planet also contains deep cracks in the north of the planet and low plains.
Known for its rusty red color, Mars is the seventh largest planet in the solar system.
Mars does not have a magnetic field.

Source: websites