Criticism and outrage after the exclusion of the Amazigh woman from the “Atlas Lions” bus
Criticism and outrage after the exclusion of the Amazigh woman from the “Atlas Lions” bus 1716
Activists of the Amazigh movement expressed their dissatisfaction and anger at the exclusion of the Amazigh language and its letters Tifinagh from the front of the bus that transported the Moroccan national team players yesterday, Tuesday, from Rabat/Salé Airport to the Royal Palace, after a historic participation in the “FIFA Qatar” World Cup, which ended with fourth place.
Hundreds of Amazigh activists on social media denounced the exclusion of the Amazigh language, which is an official language of the state in the 2011 constitution, and contented themselves with writing the front of the “Atlas Lions” reception bus in Arabic and English.
Activists circulated pictures of the Moroccan national team bus, accompanied by angry posts and strongly denouncing the exclusion and absence of Amazigh from its façade, considering this “discrimination and racism” against the mother tongue of most Moroccans and the players who achieved this historic achievement, and disregard for the Moroccan constitution and the regulatory law for Amazigh.

Amazigh activist Osama Lamine said, “The absence of the Amazigh language on the Moroccan national team bus is unjustified, and it is an intentional matter that strikes at the depth of the constitution, which is the name of law in the country, and which considers the Arabic language an official language of the country alongside the Amazigh language.”
He added, in his account on the social networking site, that “the Amazigh language is a national language, historically and legally, and everyone must respect that. and education…”.
The Amazigh activist expressed his dissatisfaction with "the silence of some politicians, jurists and free writers, as they watch these childish actions that offend the people and the country and take it back steps." according to his expression.
And he concluded his post: “You have drowned us in this joy, thanks to our national team and thanks to coach Walid Al-Ragragui, who should be a role model for some officials and politicians in our country. It is unfortunate that such scenes that degrade the value of laws, the constitution and royal speeches are repeated.
A group of Amazigh activists exchanged angry posts such as, “As usual, the Amazigh language has been excluded from the team’s reception bus, and the state’s racism towards everything that is Amazigh continues.” An activist asked, "Where is the Amazigh woman on the bus of the Moroccan national team, representing the Amazighs, so that you may understand and learn!"
Others considered that “the absence of Tifinagh” on the Moroccan national team bus indicates marginalization and the pursuit of obliterating the Amazigh identity in Morocco. Another activist considered that “the absence of Amazigh women in the team’s transport bus constitutes a serious constitutional setback and a flagrant violation of international covenants. A spherical victory with a taste of racism against the Amazighs.

For his part, activist Idriss Sabi said: “It is strange that there is insistence on excluding the Amazigh language from the national team bus, which was prepared to witness a huge festive moment that brings together the entire Moroccan nation, and confirms that it is united in its various linguistic and cultural tributaries.”
As a reminder, the spokesman added, “The Moroccan constitution provides for two official languages, Arabic and Tamazight, and there is nothing indicating that English is an official language for Moroccans.”
For his part, an Amazigh activist commented on a picture of the player Hakim Ziyech and his mother, “The Amazigh woman is tattooed in the memory of our mothers and their faces. the earth and whoever is on it.”

Source : websites