For science enthusiasts.. the 9 best scientific sites that you must be addicted to quench your passion
For science enthusiasts.. the 9 best scientific sites that you must be addicted to quench your passion 11688
Today, science and its knowledge occupy a special place that attracts many interested followers, as it can be a source that fulfills their great passion for learning, which makes them hungry for everything new in it. If you are one of these amateurs, we will be happy to inform you about many scientific sites that may quench your thirst and increase your knowledge, as you can obtain a wealth of scientific knowledge from the latest scientific discoveries to the latest versions of references that can be used to study various sciences.
PNAS website
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This site works to publish all that is new about the biological, physical and social sciences in terms of opinions, comments, seminars and academic research.
It is distinguished by its presentation of references and documented sources for all articles published on it, which date back to the year 1990 AD.
You can see all the latest news, either by subscribing to the weekly print edition, or by subscribing online and getting the latest news daily before it is released in the weekly edition.
The subscription cost is about 215 US dollars per year, but if you do not want to subscribe, do not worry, as you can still view his articles and all his content that is more than 6 months old without any financial cost.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) website
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This site operates as an international non-profit professional organization, concerned with advancing aspects of science and engineering, renewing its knowledge and disseminating it all over the world. The goals of this organization include:
Enhancing communication between scientists, engineers and the general public.
Strengthening and diversifying the workforce in the field of science and technology and adopting the educational process for everyone interested in it.
Promote the protection of the integrity, credibility and uses of science.
The site publishes many scientific journals in addition to many reports, books and scientific publications.
AAAS has approximately one million unique visitors.
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This site is considered an electronic portal to provide the latest facts and advanced information in the fields of science and scientific research.
Its features:
The site provides its visitors with a virtual conference hall, lecture hall, scientific laboratories, libraries, and meeting rooms, with the aim of exchanging and transferring knowledge among them.
It also allows scientists, lecturers, academics, students, and all participants to display and share their scientific knowledge through the use of audio or video recordings, through text documents, or through chats, blogs, and e-mail.
Science Daily website
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It is one of the most popular science news sites on the web, as it covers the latest breaking news and the latest scientific discoveries.
Its features:
The site visitor can access more than 65,000 research articles, 15,000 images, 2,500 scientific encyclopedias, 1,500 scientific reviews of the most important books, in addition to hundreds of educational videos, all of which are free and without any subscription fees.
Breaking news and feature articles covering the latest discoveries in nearly every science topic from space physics to zoology are updated 7 days a week.
This website is unique in that it is a platform used by the most important universities and leading research institutions to publish their scientific discoveries and present them to a wider audience.
You can get notifications of the latest important scientific discoveries by subscribing to the site's e-mail newsletter.
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It is one of the very important science websites that occupies a prominent position today because of the many features it offers, including:
Familiarity with all scientific articles published daily, which cover broad scientific fields.
Its sections include almost all sciences, starting with the sciences of the universe, atoms, the environment, the earth, humans, genetics, and the cell, all the way to the world of technology, energy, and many other sciences that meet all tastes and interests.
This site will be the best place for your search for any phenomenon that wanders in your mind, where you can read its blog and daily magazine, and it also has a YouTube channel to keep up with the latest scientific developments.
National Public Radio (NPR) website
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NPR publishes a wealth of news, information, and audio clips on a network of approximately 1,000 independent stations.
It has a special scientific page that publishes the latest news and the latest scientific research on many different topics, such as the environment, energy, space, technology, etc.
Visitors can subscribe to the site's scientific newsletter feed and download it in MP3 format, allowing you to catch up on the latest stories by listening to them instead of straining your eyes.
In front of you is a wide range of audio news stories that cover scientific issues and delve into global issues such as climate change and global warming, in addition to investigating the latest technological innovations and the latest discoveries in space, health and medicine.
Massive website
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This site is a huge scientific reference for a huge number of research and scientific topics.
The site takes scientific articles published in journals related to your research, and adds them to a specific list to become a reference that is easy for any visitor to access and understand.
It is a daily source of completely entertaining and reliable STEM stories because they are written by real scientists who have become amazing storytellers.
The site also allows the ability to comment on stories published by other scholars, which helps readers to understand and absorb the topic more clearly.
Anyone can send their questions directly to the author of the story, to get in return everything that quenches his curiosity.
Cool Science website
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It is a website established by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).
Its features:
It is keen to provide reliable information to be available to all ages.
The site provides a database that includes all the resources approved by teachers, in addition to study plans, educational programs and animations.
The site includes a section that allows children to ask their curious questions and get the appropriate answers.
What distinguishes the site is that if you have questions that baffle you about the evolution process, medical drugs, human biology, biology, or genetic sciences, it will provide you with a section through which you can ask your questions and get answers from the best scientists in the world.
National Geographic website
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If you are in the mood to find the most exciting and interesting science stories, we recommend this site for the following:
You will find what attracts you from the latest breathtaking scientific shows.
It will provide you with thousands of scientific news about animals, natural sciences, archaeology, and various kinds of amazing discoveries that occur in the corners of the world's laboratories.
What makes the site unique is that it has distinguished correspondents who can humanize and suspense the phenomena they review, which will interest you whether you are a scientist or just an enthusiastic visitor sitting on his couch.

Source: websites