Elon Musk talks about Algeria's potential for solar energy
Elon Musk talks about Algeria's potential for solar energy 1-314
Energy – US billionaire Elon Musk commented on a study that highlights Algeria's potential for solar energy. Dzair Daily gives you more details, following this article from December 28, 2022.
Indeed, it is via Twitter, the social network that he has just acquired, that the American billionaire Elon Musk commented on a study which speaks of the potential of Algeria in the field of energy. solar. The publication in question was posted by the account Massimo , specializing in astronomy, astronautics, meteorology and physics.

In detail, Massimo's publication highlights the total area of solar panels that would have to be installed to supply the whole world with electricity, Europe and Germany. And it turns out that the squares representing these surfaces
were drawn in North Africa and most of them in algeria
Neither one nor two, the owner of SpaceX replied to this publication: " It's a clear step " . Simple little sentence which means that it is absolutely necessary to start implementing this study. Elon Musk added another response to the post, saying even solar batteries in a small part of Spain could meet Europe's energy needs.
Elon Musk talks about Algeria's potential for solar energy 11698
Solar energy: here is the potential that Algeria represents
Massimo's tweet talks about a university thesis submitted in August 2005. This thesis is entitled: Environmental balance and transmission of solar electricity from North Africa to Europe. The author of this thesis is Nadine May. And she supported her study at the Technical University of Brunswick in Germany.

It must be said that the placement of solar panels in the Algerian desert would not be a fortuitous choice. And this, because according to the International Energy Agency, the largest solar field in the world, in terms of hours of sunshine per year, is in Algeria. According to CERFE data, the number of hours of sunshine in Algeria exceeds 2,000 per year. This represents a huge potential for energy production.

Source: websites