Soil communities' celebrations of January's whitening raise hopes for official recognition
Soil communities' celebrations of January's whitening raise hopes for official recognition 1--39
January, the feast of the Amazigh New Year, a victim of culture and theology
On January 12 of each year, the Amazighs in the countries of North Africa and the world celebrate the Amazigh New Year, and with every advent of this civil celebration, the discussion returns on the issue of identity and history, and “extremist religious” enter the line to confuse the religious and the secular to spoil the joy. Spontaneous and long-standing popularity, and the cultured enter the "semi-intellectuals" to delve into history, ethnology, and human geography! Each one licks his tongue with his band.    
According to the Amazigh calendar determined by the Algerian researcher Ammar Naqadi (1943-2008), we are in the year 2973, and this calendar has been set and determined from the date of the accession of the first Amazigh Shishnaq to the Pharaonic throne, and the latter was from the Libyan Meshwash tribe, that was between 950 or 952 BC .
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Amazigh New Year.. A celebration of identity and demands for official recognition
Amazigh families in North African countries are preparing to celebrate the Amazigh New Year's Eve, which is characterized by unique festive rituals that vary and vary from one region to another despite its many intersections.
The Amazighs celebrate, starting tomorrow, Thursday, January 12, the Amazigh New Year 2973, which is called "January Metabolism", and precedes the Gregorian calendar by 950 years.
The Amazigh New Year's Eve is marked by popular festive rituals with symbolic connotations, reflecting the Amazighs' attachment to their land and their celebration of their identity that extends throughout history, by preparing special dishes and meals, organizing carnivals and gatherings between families and neighbors to the songs and chants of the Amazighs.
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Amazigh New Year 2973: Cultural Celebration
Since 2018, the celebration of the Amazigh New Year has officially begun on the twelfth of January of each year in Algeria, where this day is dedicated as a paid holiday, amid a festivity that includes many cities of the country. Culture is the basis of its programming, whether in focusing on popular memory or Contemporary Arts.
A diverse cultural program prepared by several cultural institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Culture and Arts and the wilaya of Algeria will launch next Thursday, in celebration of the Amazigh calendar, which dates back to 2973 years ago, when it was used for hundreds of years to organize the agricultural seasons in ancient civilizations in North Africa, and it has several names, namely "January". , and "Mead Skas", and "Hakouza", and "Taborn January".
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The feast of "Eid January" old and renewed demand in Morocco
The voices of Amazigh associations and activists in Morocco have returned to echoing a major demand represented in the demarcation of the celebration of the Amazigh New Year, which is called "Eid January", by making January 13 of each year a national holiday and an official holiday.
And at a time when associations, bodies, and political parties agreed on the demand to demarcate the Amazigh New Year as a national holiday and an official holiday, in harmony with what the constitution stipulates regarding the Amazigh identity, the government has not yet decided to accept this demand, despite the statement of its official spokesman, Mustafa Paytas, that the government She will celebrate in her own way, "Metabolism January".
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Activists of the Amazigh movement are waiting for the announcement of the "Metabolism of January" holiday in Morocco
Like every year, the Amazigh movement awaits the approval of the Amazigh New Year (January) as an official paid holiday, 12 years after the adoption of the Amazigh language as an official language in the Moroccan constitution, and the accompanying government workshops to activate its official character in all aspects of public life.
A few days ago, Mustafa Paytas, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister in charge of relations with Parliament and civil society, the official spokesperson for the government, confirmed that “the current government has given strong signals regarding the advancement of the Amazigh language,” stressing that the government celebrates the Amazigh New Year.

Source: websites