“Earth-sized” .. NASA monitors a planet that “may be habitable.”
 “Earth-sized” .. NASA monitors a planet that “may be habitable.” 1-209
NASA has spotted an exoplanet about the size of Earth, orbiting a small star about 100 light-years away.
Using TESS data, the agency spotted the planet, named TOI 700 e, orbiting the small dwarf star M TOI 700.
The planet is the fourth to be discovered around this star in a potentially "livable" region, i.e. the region at a distance that makes it possible for liquid water to exist on planetary surfaces.
And “NASA” said, in a statement, on Tuesday, that its size is 95 percent of the size of the Earth, and it is likely to be rocky.

Scientists previously discovered three planets around this star called TOI 700 b, c and d, all of which are in the region that may be habitable for life.
The possibility of liquid water indicates that planets could be, or may have once been, habitable .

This makes the TOI 700 system an opportunity for many more, said Emily Gilbert, a postdoctoral fellow at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California who led the work. of follow-up."

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