??? Usually, the Arabic skins are halal, and the Amazigh skins are forbidden
??? Usually, the Arabic skins are halal, and the Amazigh skins are forbidden 11766
Why does the Arabized Qomji in North Africa not speak of the Arab and Yemeni Boujloud custom, which is called the Emir of Eid, which is similar to the Amazigh Boujloud custom? Why does he not mock it and consider it backwardness and a departure from Islam, as he usually mocks the Amazigh skins? This tradition, which is known in many regions of North Africa by different names, the most famous of which is “Boujloud” and “Belmaun”, is considered part of the Amazigh heritage rooted in this region, as people have always revived it. Over a period of a week, before it almost disappeared with the beginning of the sixties of the last century. And now it is limited to reviews performed by only some Amazigh folklore groups in the streets and roads on the occasion of the Amazigh New Year. It is covered with sheep or goat skins, which puts a hat with two horns on its head, and moves to the rhythm of popular music.
For your information, there is nothing wrong in Islam with wearing what has been made from the skin of a dead animal if it has been tanned, whether the animal is edible or not. If the cuticle is tanned, it has been cleansed. narrated by Muslim.
It should be noted that we are not here to discuss whether this Amazigh cultural show called January is permissible or forbidden, although we know that it currently does not have any ideological or religious aspect, and because the intention of many of those who wear these skins is to bring happiness to people and show joy on the national holiday, and that is a requirement Hassan
We all know that whenever the Amazigh New Year's Day approaches, the voices of Arabists and those who suffer from a mental illness called Amazighophobia begin to appear here and there. This manifests itself through wailing, crying, wailing and barking on the manifestations of the celebration of the Amazigh New Year, which is distinguished in some regions in the country of Tamazgha, especially in Algeria and Morocco dress the celebrants in the streets with the skin of rams and masks that represent monsters. These are ancient customs before Islam, and they are now celebrations of a social and cultural nature only, and not religious celebrations. So why do we find the Arab nationalist trumpets denying them and forbidding them on the basis that there is nothing in Islam except Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr While the same trumpets, we do not find any effect or sense when Muslims and Arabs celebrate bAshura, Muharram and the Prophet’s birthday, although they are classified as religious celebrations while they have no basis in Islam. Why do the enemies of the Amazigh heritage stop only at the January celebrations? And they say about the Boujloud show that it is a return to backwardness. The Yemenis practice the same show-like manifestations of the Amazigh Boujloud, wearing the skins of goats and rams. Why do the Yemenis and the Arabs in the island consider these celebrations cultural symbols and a joy and they are proud of them, while the Arabized nationalists in the Amazigh countries mock and despise the January and Boujloud celebrations. In the following link, you will find a video of the Yemeni celebration of the Amir Eid Festival Ie Bojloud

Al-Dhalea: “Amir Al-Eid” is a way for citizens to address their issues with fun and humor
??? Usually, the Arabic skins are halal, and the Amazigh skins are forbidden 1-597
Three Yemeni citizens playing a game and the custom of "Amir Al-Eid" on Eid Al-Adha in Al-Dhaleh Special - Yemen Youth
To warn, the Amazigh January is not a religious celebration "at all", but rather it is now a habit of people who welcomed Islam, embraced it, loved it and defended it. And their only fault is that they take pride in their history and their Amazigh heritage. This is the fault with which the Arabized nationalists call them, namely that they are from peoples and tribes. peoples and tribes “so that you may know one another” and Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, did not say, “We have made you peoples and tribes so that you may one another.”
So, what do people get to know if they do not have a distinct privacy in their lives!? Will you not meditate on the Qur’an!? . For this reason, there is neither Sunnah nor heresy in January, because it is “a habit, a habit, a habit,” and the Sharia rule says that the principle in acts of worship is prohibition, unless there is permission, and the principle in customs is that it is permissible and permissible unless there is a text prohibiting that
So January is usually the people and tribes of the Berbers "know" about it. A social holiday that has nothing to do with religion, and the least and best thing to say about it is that it is customary, and others must respect it....at least!
In the end, we say to the Arabized nationalists, the enemies of the Amazigh identity, who are fascinated by the prohibition of everything that is Amazigh heritage (preachers at the gates of Hell). Racism fills your chests... You are the owners of Arab nationalism and you are not the owners of Islam... Islam is for all mankind. As for Arabs and the Arabs, they are a Zionist project par excellence, and we now see them in the line of normalization with Israel, betrayal and backwardness. Are your minds so small that you think that you can Fighting the Amazigh identity and ruling you have awakened a genie.... really, where is the Arabist's solution, the solution of ruin?

Source : websites