5Mysterious Archaeological Wonders That Have Not Been Solved Until Today, You Should Know Them
5Mysterious Archaeological Wonders That Have Not Been Solved Until Today, You Should Know Them 1583
A grand, luxurious building, marble columns rising to the clouds, huge walls resting on strong pillars, exquisite engravings, high and heavy wooden doors, beautiful decorations carved with high craftsmanship, as if its maker, like an artist, had just finished drawing it, it is the antiquities.
There are antiquities in separate parts of the world, which baffled tourists, travelers, and scientists as well, and made them confused about their affairs for many generations. We review a number of these archaeological wonders in obscurity:
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Despite the dispute over the exact date of its establishment, there is a greater disagreement about the purpose of erecting Stonehenge and the mystery surrounding this place and baffling archaeologists, as it is surrounded by several hundred burials and is located at a distance from the source of its rocky stones.
It is likely that it has had multiple uses over the years, including astronomical, spiritual, and cult purposes.
Some suggest that it was considered a place of healing and medication based on the corpses and burials around it.
Easter Island statues
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Nothing is stranger than giant heads of stone weighing about eighty tons on an island with almost no trees in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, these stone heads called moai.
They are believed to represent the ancestors of the warring tribes, and were likely transported alongside each other using logs.
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When European explorers arrived on this island, they had already run out of resources, and this played a role in the conflicts that arose between these tribes.
Gygax Manuscript
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It is a manuscript based on the belief in a pact between a demon and a human monk.
Where the legend says that a monk from the Middle Ages was sentenced to hang his body while he was alive to break monastic vows, and to avoid punishment, the monk promised to write a book containing all human knowledge in one night, but he was unable, so he sought the help of the devil who helped him.
Roman dodecahedron polyhedron
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This archaeological figure was found in the previous ages in Rome, but it was not clear its reasons and what it is used for, but what the scholars went to is that it could be used in the navigational field, as it was said that it was just an archaeological sculpture, while the prevailing opinion was that it was used as a measure known from Through what is grown each season.
Voynich Manuscript
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A mysterious graphic book written by an unknown author in an unidentified alphabet and in an incomprehensible language, written in the first half of the 1400s.
The manuscript was studied by many professionals and cryptologists, including the most famous cryptologists, and they failed to interpret a single letter.
The only thread that exists is that the manuscript used a kind of ancient cryptography, which gave weight to the theory that the writing was an elaborate trick, and that what was in it was some kind of arbitrary symbol that had no meaning.
Antiquities immortalize their owners and indicate their dignity and show us their ingenuity and mastery of their work, as they are the face of the country, giving them a charming and striking beauty. If they are destroyed, this beauty will disappear, so it is our duty to protect and preserve them.

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