Astronomers discover a planet with the same mass as Earth and it may be habitable
Astronomers discover a planet with the same mass as Earth and it may be habitable 1779
Finding a habitable world similar to Earth is one of the most interesting goals for the study of extraterrestrial space. I always caredAstronomy scientistsThey have found another habitable planet other than Earth and it seems that they have now reached a suitable site for their search.
DiscoverAstronomy scientistsA potentially habitable exoplanet is only 31 light-years from Earth. Where an exoplanet was discoveredThe solar system, known as Wolf 1069 b, is a team of astronomers led by scientist Diana Kosakowski.

According to findings published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, "Although the rotation of this planet, named Wolf 1069 b, may be gradually restricted in its path around its parent star, the team is optimistic that it may provide permanent habitable conditions." Therefore, the planet is one of the very few promising targets for the search for biosignatures and signs of habitability.
"When we analyzed the Wolf 1069 star data, we detected a clear, low-amplitude signal for what appeared to be a planet close to Earth's mass," said Diana Kosakowski, an astronomer at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany and lead author of the new research.
The study notes that despite its close range, Wolf 1069 b only receives about 65% of the radiant energy output that Earth gets from the sun. Compared to its solar properties, Wolfe 1069 emits much less radiation and has a much cooler surface, which makes the star appear orange. These properties lead to lower thermal energy.

"As a result, planets around red dwarf stars like Wolf 1069 can still be habitable even though they are much closer than Earth to the Sun," Kosakowski explains.

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