The Swiss Consulate officially adds the Amazigh language
The Swiss Consulate officially adds the Amazigh language 1780
The Swiss Consulate in Agadir decided to officially add the Amazigh language in its Tifinagh letters to the sign of the entrance to the consulate headquarters, in the guidance panels inside the consulate offices.
This week, many visitors to the consulate noticed signs written in the Amazigh language at the entrance to the Swiss consulate with lies and inside its corridors...
The Swiss Consulate officially adds the Amazigh language 1-275
The Arabs say that the Amazigh language is not a language of science, and I don't know how they came to these conclusions? As if the language of the Arabs thanks to it had had access to Mars! The Arabs are the ones who fought the Amazigh language by issuing their racist fatwas and imposed restrictions on it for 14 centuries, then he cheekily tells you the language of the caves and they are the ones who prevented the Amazighs from entering the educational institution, this institution without which it is impossible for any language to grow and develop and then to reproach you for why your language is not a language of science? His example is like someone who imprisons a person and ties their limbs with chains, then throws them into the sea and asks them why don't you swim
The Amazigh language is the language of the mother, the language of the land and of the indigenous peoples. The Amazigh language is the only language that has resisted all the Phoenician, Punic, Greek, Roman, Vandal, Byzantine languages. Thanks to the Amazigh men and elites, they will stand against you until the Day of Judgment, O monkeys
The Swiss Consulate officially adds the Amazigh language 1-276
It is noteworthy that the Amazigh International Assembly called, in a number of correspondences addressed to the diplomatic bodies accredited in Morocco, to translate into Tamazight and write in Tifinagh script the signs and signals of the diplomatic institutions accredited in Rabat.
He introduced the head of the Amazigh organization; Rachid Rakha, at that time, presented a file of concern to Amazigh rights, especially in its aspect related to education, media, culture and aspects of public life, to a number of European embassies in Rabat, most notably the embassies of Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and the Kingdom of Norway ...
Rakha called on European embassies to pay attention to Tamazight as an official language in the Moroccan constitution and law, and to give it its place in European diplomacy adopted in Rabat, by teaching it in European missions, schools and institutes in Morocco.
The Rakha also demanded the representatives of European countries in Rabat to bring Amazigh into the cultural and social activities and programs that the embassies of European countries are organizing in Morocco.
The head of the Amazigh World Assembly called on the ambassadors of the concerned European countries; To evoke Amazigh in companies and agreements with Morocco. The most prominent of which is teaching Tamazight to the children of the Moroccan community residing in these countries, in addition to teaching literacy programs for adults inside and outside Morocco.
In his letter, Rachid Al-Rakha called on the ambassadors of European countries to write the facades of European embassies, consulates and institutes in the Amazigh language, just like in Arabic.

Source : websites