The first ambassador to Mars.. Get to know the Algerian physicist Noureddine Melikchi
The first ambassador to Mars.. Get to know the Algerian physicist Noureddine Melikchi 1-279
The Algerian Noureddine Melikchi is considered the most famous researcher and physicist in the world. He co-founded many scientific and research institutions.
Noureddine Melikchi was born in 1958, in the city of Thenia in the state of Boumerdes, in northern Algeria. He graduated from the Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology (Algeria), with postgraduate degrees in physics.
He then traveled to England to pursue an MSc and PhD in Physics from the University of Sussex by research work on quantum optics and homogeneous optical control of electronic dipole transitions in the laboratory of Pr. Leslie Allen.
After graduating and joining Professor Allen's postdoctoral research group, Dr. Melikchi joined the University of Science and Technology in Algiers as an Assistant Professor of Physics to complete his national service between 1988-1990.
After that, Melikshi traveled to America, to pursue his research and post-doctoral studies, where he was appointed in 1995 as an assistant professor of physics at the State University of Delaware, and after years of hard work, he was promoted to positions until he was appointed dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology at the same university.
In 2016 he was appointed dean of one of the most famous colleges of science, the Kennedy School of Science at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, in which position he still holds to this day.
Melikchi founded three of the most prominent research centers in the world, what is known as the Visual Sciences Center for Applied Research "OSCAR", which are:
Applied Optometry Center, Delaware, USA.
Center for Research and Education in Optical Sciences and Applications.
Center for Applied Optics for Space Sciences (NASA University Research Center).
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Until 2009, Noureddine Melikchi had registered 14 patents, including the invention of advanced, small and easy-to-use optical fibers and devices used in the fields of diagnosis in medicine and dentistry, as well as other useful inventions in civil engineering and oceanography.
Dr. Melikchi has also been in charge of two research projects for some time:
Developing sensitive optical techniques for early detection of cancer. This work brings together laser spectroscopy, nanochemistry, and cancer diagnostics and has a potential impact on disease prevention, analyzing laser-induced breakdown spectra of Martian oils, dust and rocks.
He has a major role in the Mars Science Laboratory, which is the most important scientific mission so far for the US Space Agency (NASA).
The name of the Algerian scientist Noureddine Melikchi shone high among space scientists, as he was awarded many awards, including: the SMART Award (Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow) during the year 2006, the Capitol Hill Award, the NASA Research Award, the Research Award from the National Institutes Health for Small Business Initiative, Research Award from the Department of Defense Small Business Initiative, Biotechnology Award, Biotechnology Award, and others.
Melechi is affiliated with many research societies and institutions, to benefit from his abundant knowledge, as he works with the American Physical Society, the American Optometric Society, and the Emerging Technology Council, Delaware, and he is a member of the National Alliance Council of NASA University Research Centers.
He is the president of the Algerian American Foundation for Culture, Science and Technology.
And for his efforts and knowledge, he was appointed by the governor of the US state of Delaware as an ambassador to Mars, after granting him a symbolic certificate.
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Biographie générative
Le Dr Noureddine Melikchi est né en 1958 dans la ville de Thenia, province de Boumerdes. Après avoir été diplômé du collège, le jeune Noureddine a quitté sa ville natale pour s'inscrire au lycée Aban Ramadan, qui est situé à El Harrach , Alger . Il y obtient un baccalauréat en mathématiques en 1976, après quoi il rejoint l'Université des sciences et technologies Houari Boumediene , en Algérie , où il obtient un diplôme de troisième cycle en physique en [1] 1980 . Il a ensuite poursuivi des études de maîtrise en sciences ( 1982 ) et de doctorat en physique ( 1987 ) [1] à l'Université du Sussex.En Angleterre, où il a travaillé sur l'optique quantique et le contrôle optique homogène des transitions dipolaires électroniques dans le laboratoire du Pr. Leslie Allen, après avoir obtenu son diplôme et rejoint le groupe de recherche postdoctorale du professeur Allen, le Dr Melikchi a rejoint l'Université des sciences et technologies d'Algérie en tant que professeur adjoint en Physique pour compléter le service national entre ( 1988-1990 ).
Centres de recherche fondés par lui
Fondateur de l'Applied Optometry Center dans le Delaware, USA .
Fondateur du Center for Research and Education in Optical Sciences and Applications (National Science Foundation Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology).
Fondateur du Center for Applied Optics for Space Sciences (NASA University Research Center).
Ces trois centres constituent ce que l'on appelle aujourd'hui le Centre des sciences optiques pour la recherche appliquée (OSCAR).
Ses découvertes
Noureddine Melikchi a déposé 14 brevets jusqu'en 2009 pour :
L'invention de fibres optiques et de dispositifs avancés, petits et faciles à utiliser utilisés dans les domaines du diagnostic en médecine et en dentisterie.
Inventions utiles au génie civil et à l'océanographie .
Récemment, le Dr Melikchi s'est lancé dans deux projets de recherche :
Développement de techniques optiques sensibles pour la détection précoce du cancer (focus sur le cancer virtuel de l'ovaire et le cancer de la prostate). Ce travail rassemble la spectroscopie laser, la nanochimie et le diagnostic du cancer et a un impact potentiel sur la prévention des maladies.
Analyse des spectres de dégradation induits par laser des huiles, poussières et roches martiennes. Le Dr Melechi est membre du Mars Science Laboratory, le plus grand effort d'exploration de Mars de la NASA à ce jour. Les données sont collectées par l'instrument Chemistry Camera (ChemCam) à bord du rover Curiosity d'une tonne qui a été lancé le 25 novembre 2011 et a atterri avec succès sur la planète rouge le 6 août 2012.
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Honneurs _ _ _
Récipiendaire du prix SMART (Strengthening the Mid-Atlantic Region for Tomorrow) (2006).
Prix du Capitole .
Prix de recherche de la NASA .
Bourse de recherche des National Institutes of Health for Small Business Initiative.
Bourse de recherche de l'Initiative des petites entreprises du ministère de la Défense.
Prix Biotechnologie.
Prix d'appréciation de la Fédération nationale des musulmans canadiens.
Prix Biotechnologie.

Affiliation et adhésion professionnelle
Membre de l'American Physical Society.
Membre de l'American Optometric Association.
Membre, Emerging Technology Council, Delaware.
Membre du conseil d'administration de la Delaware Radiation Safety Authority.
Règle de planche de tige.
Alliance nationale des centres de recherche universitaires de la NASA.
Président de la Fondation algéro-américaine pour la culture, la science et la technologie.
Membre du Comité Scientifique International du Spectral Council for Induced Spectroscopy Laser Distribution.
Le gouverneur de l'État américain du Delaware l'a nommé ambassadeur sur Mars après lui avoir remis un certificat symbolique.

Source : websites