Scientists in Kenya discover stone tools dating back about 2.9 million years
Scientists in Kenya discover stone tools dating back about 2.9 million years 1-148
Archaeologists in Kenya have discovered stone tools believed to be among the oldest tools ever used by ancient humans, dating back more than 2.9 million years.
Scientists say that this discovery may be evidence that there were human races from the first man who used these tools, and not just the ancestors of Homo sapiens as previously thought.
Scientists in Kenya discover stone tools dating back about 2.9 million years 1-668
The researchers say two of the large fossil teeth found at the site in Kenya belonged to an extinct hominin known as Paranthropus.
The team found evidence indicating that these tools were used for cutting hippo meat, extracting tuberous plants or picking fruit.
Scientists in Kenya discover stone tools dating back about 2.9 million years 11795

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