A statement denouncing the violations against teaching the Amazigh language
A statement denouncing the violations against teaching the Amazigh language 1--327
The Association of Teachers and Professors of the Amazigh Language in the Chichaoua Province issued a denunciation statement, on October 01, 2022.
In which the collective knew the series of violations against the teaching of the Amazigh language in the province of Chichaoua, a dangerous turning point, after the symbolic targeting of this constitutional language by obstructing the path of its real integration into the Moroccan school in general and the region in particular, as well as disrupting all workshops to activate its official character and challenge the efforts of the actors who are jealous of this gain of pure citizen identities In front of this disastrous situation, we, the teachers of the Amazigh language, stand bewildered between unclear ministerial notes regarding the systematic disposal of the didactic classes of the Amazigh language in harmony with other subjects, the jurisprudence of educational administrators and inspectors and clear violations, and after attempts to dialogue with the concerned authorities without a response, we announce Our total rejection of these violations affecting the teaching of the Amazigh language in the Directorate of Chichaoua, and the following are some of the black points known by the reality of teaching this subject in the region:
A statement denouncing the violations against teaching the Amazigh language 1-745
Some directors and inspectors of educational institutions contempt for the professor and subject of the Amazigh language, considering that the language is an entertainment and not in turn an essential subject, as is the case with Arabic and French.
Despite the fact that Ministerial Memorandum 130 is explicit and clear with regard to the number of sections assigned to the professor of the Amazigh language and the weekly time cover specified for the components of this subject, some inspectors and directors of institutions act in this matter as they wish, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing, and manipulating the time cover of the subject according to their whims. Lack of textbooks or their complete absence in some institutions.
A statement denouncing the violations against teaching the Amazigh language 1--328
Some professors and principals imposed their opinions regarding the use of time for the teacher of the Amazigh language, each according to his desire and personal interest, while the schedules of time uses for other subjects must be adapted to the uses of time for the teacher of the Amazigh language.
Some teachers of Tamazight have been forced to teach other subjects that are not their specialization, given that their field of training is limited only to teaching the Tamazight language. Inclusion of Tamazight outside the classes of other subjects and thus removing it from the usual time space for the parents and guardians of the students without taking into account the suffering of the students in mobility, as how is it possible for a school child (6-8 years) to attend for an hour and a half in the morning and then return for another 270 minutes in the evening. ـ Forcing the teacher of the Amazigh language to update his absence record, and the question that arises is how can we create an absence record for 8 cohorts every month? Then the original is to include the Amazigh language among the classes of other subjects, and therefore the absence is taken care of by the teacher of French or Arabic According to his regiment (there is no entry in the Masar system for touching the absence of the Amazigh language)…

For the aforementioned reasons, the Regional Association of Teachers of the Amazigh Language in the Chichaoua Province announces to national and local public opinion that it will enter into forms of protest starting on Monday, October 03, 2022.

Source : websites