The hollow earth hypothesis in ancient civilizations

We all know that the Earth is a solid planet from the inside, and as we have studied in geology books, it consists of rocky layers piled on top of each other, but some scientists have a belief that the Earth is hollow from the inside, and they even confirm the existence of developed life in the interior of the Earth
And this is what the German Nazis, headed by Hitler, believed in its validity. Until the present time, there are still scholars and groups that believe in the validity of this theory.
The first to speak about the theory of the hollow earth was the English astronomer (Edmund Halley) - the discoverer of Halley's comet - where he concluded from his study of the earth's magnetic field that there are three layers of earth under our earth
Each layer has its own airspace, as shown in the first figure. Haley mentioned that these earth layers are full of people and life, and that the source of light in them is their bright and sparkling atmosphere.
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As well as William Peed in writing
In which he talks about Poland and the discovery of this fact in his attributions to his studies and discoveries of the Arctic region with scientific evidence and proofs that prove that the earth is hollow and not solid, or that all its hollows are volcanoes and melted lava
And this is widespread and familiar to some people, but it is hollow and has two circular openings at its north and south poles that lead to that world.
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A corridor or a gap leads to them to a green land full of forests and plants, and it is inhabited by many animals.
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In the eighteenth century, the Swiss mathematician (Leonard Euler) appeared. He proposed in 1767, from his scientific and physical conclusions, that the earth is hollow and contains in its center a glowing core star that represents the role of the sun.
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He developed the theory of multiple earth layers and made it one hollow layer, we live on its back and other civilizations live in its interior.
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The Scotsman, Mr. John Leslie, a physicist and mathematician, believes that the earth has a great hollow and has two suns.
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Talking about the theory of the hollow earth inevitably leads us to a theory that is more strange than it is called (the theory of the hollow earth), and according to this theory, we and the rest of the living beings live on the inner surface of the earth and that the universe is contained inside the earth and not outside it
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Many German writers wrote books about this theory. Hitler was so convinced of it that he sent a scientist to one of the islands that - according to the theory - is facing Britain, and ordered him to put a telescope equipped with a camera directed vertically to the sky to photograph and spy on important British sites.
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One of the most prominent Egyptian mathematicians, Dr. Mostafa Abdel-Qader, developed several studies on a model of the concave Earth that is closest to realism, taking into account measurements of gravity and lines of light. According to Dr. Mostafa’s theory, light travels in circular paths and not in straight lines.
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Which makes us see the earth in a spherical shape when photographed from above, and the speed of light decreases as it approaches the middle of the universe until its speed reaches zero at the middle of the universe, and the lengths of objects decrease as we rise up towards the center of the universe.
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It should be noted that our current understanding of the universe assumes that the earth is nothing but a small, insignificant planet and cannot be compared to the giant stars and heavens. As for the concave earth theory, it assumes that the earth is not of less importance and is not less important than the stars and the heavens, but rather that it contains them inside it.
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Hollow Earth concept
It has been repeated since a very advanced time from the dawn of civilizations until the present day, so the news of the hollow earth is derived from conclusions and speculations that followed the study of some hadiths related to it in ancient manuscripts and books or some exciting pictures of planet Earth and neighboring planets taken by NASA
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Even books and religious instructions in the various beliefs in contrast to those ideas we find
They do not accept the idea of the Earth's core at all, and that a healthy mind does not accept this idea, and all of that is also due to intellectual racism, ideology, or a certain philosophical idea.
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But whatever our ideas about life and our view of it, there is a lot of evidence indicating that there is something inside the earth and that it contains other worlds and creatures that we do not know anything about.
Hollow Earth in ancient history
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The Aztecs and the Hopi Indians who live in North America believed in it, and we find through their religious books and popular traditions that the earth is hollow and hollow from the inside, and that the earth’s hollow and inside it are cities, civilizations, nations, peoples and various creatures
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Likewise, the peoples of the ancient world civilizations such as the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks, Greeks, ancient China, Incas, Mayans and Olmecs believed in the existence of that hidden and independent underworld
Hollow Earth for the Greeks
We find among the Greeks, for example, myths that talk about caves located under the surface of the earth, and they were like the entrances leading to hell, and they always talk about the existence of a god of the underworld inside the earth who rules over millions of creatures and beings
Hollow Earth at the Celts
In Celtic mythology, there is a legend of a cave called "Crochan", also known as "Ireland's Gate to Hell", which is an ancient legendary cave. According to legend, many strange creatures that were in ancient times will appear on the surface of the earth at the end of history.
Medieval and the Hollow Earth
There are also stories of knights and saints in the Middle Ages who went on pilgrimage to a cave located on an island near County Donegal in Ireland, where they made journeys inside the earth to a place of torment, and there is an old Irish legend that says that the tunnels in County Down in Northern Ireland lead to worlds Earth core
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The hollow earth of the Eskimos
And among the Eskimo tribes, we find in their firm religious beliefs that they believe in that their origins are from a world that was in the inner core of the earth, and their beliefs speak of that “inner paradise” whose people enjoy peace and permanent light in which they live.
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British writer "David Anke" says in his research on the hollow earth that the ancestors of the Eskimos originated in northeastern Asia and came to Alaska through an underground corridor that linked Asia and North America nearly 10 thousand years ago, as they headed to the east of Alaska where the region is located. Arctic North America
The hollow earth of the Indians
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As for India, we find an old legend among the "Anjami" tribes, claiming that their ancestors appeared in ancient times from a country inside the earth, and there are legends from the Taino peoples that their ancestors also appeared in ancient times from two caves in the mountains from underground cities
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This is the belief of the people of the Kiriwina Islands also that their ancestors came from the ground through a cave called "Apocola". There is an old legend in Mexican folklore about a cave in the Ojinga Mountains, five miles south of the town of Ojinga, from which demonic creatures came out who came from inside the earth.
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On the European continent, we find an old legend in the Middle Ages that some mountains between Eisenach and Gotha in Germany have a cave that leads to the inner worlds of the Earth's interior. There is an old Russian legend where the Samodes tribe in ancient Siberia says that men from it traveled to an underground city through a cave in the region
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In Native American mythology, it is said that the ancestors of the Mandan people in ancient times had their origins from within the earth and appeared on the surface of the earth through a cave on the north side of the Missouri River, and there is a tale of a tunnel in San Carlos in the state of Arizona as an entrance that leads into the hollow earth and into mysterious tribe
It is also the belief of the "Iroquois" tribes that their ancient ancestors came out of the ground
Also, Native American tribes such as the Oneida, Chita, and Creek claim that their ancestors were from one tribe living underground.
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The elders of the Hopi people also believe that there is an entrance in the "Grand Canyon" that leads to an underground world, and inside it are human races and huge tunnels that lead to the inner underground world.
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Hollow Earth in South America
Finally to South America, according to the legends there, the Brazilian Indians who live on the banks of the Parima River in Brazil claim that their ancestors appeared in ancient times from an underground country, and that many of their ancestors and their race are still inside the earth. There are also various legends that say that the ancestors of the Inca Empire They also came through underground caves which are located east of Cuzco in Peru

Source: websites