Strange discoveries increase the mystery around the planet
Strange discoveries increase the mystery around the planet 1-750
A group of strange discoveries that increase the mystery of planet Earth
It is estimated that the earth was created more than four billion years ago, and it went through many changes, including the disintegration of the supercontinent, the formation of vast continents, the emergence of oceans, the disappearance of others, the extinction of many animals, and many changes since the creation of the earth until the present day.
Strange discoveries increase the mystery around the planet 1--331
Strange things and discoveries raise the mystery of the planet
Here are some strange discoveries that increase the mystery around the planet and related to the history of the Earth or the processes that continue to occur on land or in the oceans,

1- The sinking of the sea floor:
As the Earth's temperature rises, the melting of rivers and glaciers will raise the water levels in the seas around the world. Consequently, the weight of this additional water will increase the pressure on the sea floor, pushing the sea floor down.
The researchers recently investigated how the flow of snow from land affected the shape of the ocean floor between 1993 and the end of 2014.
They discovered that the world's ocean basins have been changing shape at a rate of 0.1 mm per year, with a total change of 2 mm over two decades.
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2- Separate Continent:
On March 19, 2018, a large crack opened in the Great African Rift Valley in Kenya, following heavy rains and seismic activity in the area, the continent separated.
This rift was several meters long and more than 50 meters wide, and it represents transformations that are currently taking place deep below the earth's surface, in the tectonic plates under the African continent.
Africa is located on two plates, as the continent depends mainly on the Nubian plate, while part of the eastern part of the continent is located on the Somali plate.
The tectonic shifts that occur due to the active mantle are separating the plates from each other, which may lead to cracks in the surface, but this will take tens of millions of years for the continent to be divided into two parts.
3 - Mysterious Metal:
Recently, a mineral that has never been seen in nature before has appeared, in the form of a small diamond extracted from the Cullinan mine in South Africa, which is rich in such mines.
Although only 3 millimeters long, the diamond holds a wealth of information for geologists about this rare mineral, known as calcium silicate perovskite (CaSiO3).
While the discovered metal seems extremely rare on the surface of the earth, there is a belief that it is very common below the surface of the earth, and it may be the fourth most common metal in the interior of the earth.
But it is unstable, and therefore, it is difficult to locate it above the surface of the earth, and it is possible that the newly discovered diamond originated at a depth of about 700 km, and its strong structure enabled the preservation of the rare metal.
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4- A piece of the continent:
Rock comparisons between two distant continents revealed that a piece of North America is currently attached to the continent of Australia.
The sedimentary rocks found in Georgetown in northern Queensland are not similar to other rocks found in Australia, but they were surprisingly similar to rocks found in Canada today.
Scientists have suggested that 1.7 billion years ago, part of what is now North America broke off and drifted south, colliding with northern Australia about 100 million years later. The Himalayas were formed about 55 million years ago, after the collision of the Asian and Indian plates.
5- Ground gaps:

The discovery of terrestrial gaps leading to aliens in the bowels of the Earth, there is a study indicating that the impact of the direct collision between the planets Earth and Theia was so strong that it mixed Theia and Earth together, the truth about Theia, the planet that may be stuck inside the Earth
Aliens in the bowels of the earth, and beings that live with us on the surface of the earth, but we do not feel them because they are outside the scope of human comprehension and ability.
In a report by National Geographic, the scientists say about their journey into the interior of the earth: “This is a journey to space, not to the interior of the earth, and what we see here is similar to what we see in space in terms of minerals, and we are not talking about a rock or a small piece, we are talking about large areas that reach the size of an entire continent.”
It is estimated that there are six gates or entrances on the planet that open to the ground where the Grays live, and they also link the surface and the ground. The first gate is in the North Pole, the second is in the Antarctic, the third is in the Bermuda Triangle region in the Atlantic Ocean, the fourth is the port of the Formosa Triangle region in the Pacific Ocean, the fifth is located at the bottom of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and the sixth is the port located in Area 51 in the desert of the US state of Nevada, and from These gates release the flying objects that many claim to have seen.
6 - Hurricanes from bottom to top:

It has long been believed that tornadoes form from top to bottom, and are formed by swirling air currents during strong storms.
But new research confirms just the opposite, indicating that hurricanes evolve from the bottom up.
Scientists looked at 4 hurricanes that formed from severe storms between 2011 and 2013, and discovered that all of them formed funnel shapes on the ground before extending upward to reach the clouds.
7- Rain of viruses:

Billions of viruses ride the air currents around the planet, which sometimes travel for thousands of kilometers, and then fall with rain on the surface of the Earth.
The winds carry the viruses at an altitude of between 2,500 and 3,000 meters above sea level, and the viruses move on steam from sea spray and small particles of soil.
Scientists have discovered that in just one day, 1 square meter of land can be showered with hundreds of millions of viruses and tens of millions of bacteria.

Source: websites