Artichoke: It impressed me with its amazing quality benefits
Artichoke: It impressed me with its amazing quality benefits 1-326
I was browsing a reliable scientific site according to its internationally superior ranking, and then an article that raised my curiosity in particular talks about how an individual can choose a nutritional recipe that makes his immunity against diseases strong and slows down the aging of cells and thus builds up the “mortal” land more (its value is B20 An additional year - although only God knows the term -). And I began to read the article, and if it was an introduction to it only, but the entire article requires a harmful subscription, either annually or less, for not insignificant amounts. But what caught my attention more is that the author chose for the front cover of the article the heads of the artichoke plant, “artichoke in English,” or what we call it, and I don’t know why “cocoon”? I said, the writer did not choose this image in vain, but chose it to express a vegetable that has an essential role in what he will talk about in his article as a lesson and scrutiny (consider the table at the end of the article), and I quickly ran to the search engines, searching for the benefits of this vegetable, and I stood honestly Its benefits are huge and extremely important, although we were at a certain period artichokes were regularly in our kitchen. I would like to share with the pioneers of my site the following amazing benefits:
Artichoke: It impressed me with its amazing quality benefits 1--87
Artichokes (or artichokes) are a beautiful vegetable with amazing nutritional and health properties. It belongs to a group of flowering plants characterized by leaves with sharp prickles on their margins. The mainly edible part of the artichoke is its heart, which is actually the flower bud of the artichoke, which is formed before the flower begins to open. The flower head in bud is a cluster of many small flowers budding, along with the edible base of the plant.

Artichoke promotes detoxification of the body
Artichoke contains la cynarine , an antioxidant that gives the vegetable an astringent and bitter taste, and stimulates gallbladder and liver detoxification to improve digestion.
It also contains interesting amounts of potassium . This mineral has a diuretic effect, it fights water retention and helps cleanse the body. This is why it is often recommended in detox diets.
For proper diet and weight loss
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The amount of calories in artichokes is very low, and it contains less than 1% fat, and this translates to about 22 calories per 100 grams. It helps to get rid of food waste, and it is worth noting that getting rid of food waste is one of the most important keys to a proper diet and achieving weight loss.
Protects from cardiovascular diseases
This vegetable is particularly rich in protective antioxidants. It is particularly famous for la luteoléine , an antioxidant active against cardiovascular diseases. This flavonoid prevents the oxidation of cholesterol, which reduces the risk of thickening of the arteries, which is responsible, among other things, for heart attacks. Artichoke leaf extract also encourages cholesterol to be processed more efficiently, in addition to calming inflammation in the body, and improving blood flow.
It lowers pressure with a high percentage of potassium
As it is known, the element sodium raises blood pressure, so the potassium available in artichoke replaces electrolytes and compensates for the negative effects of sodium. Artichoke contains a high percentage of potassium.  
Fights constipation
Artichokes contain 5g of fiber per 100g. It allows him to effectively prevent constipation. It also contains inulin, which is indigestible. Inulin is a prebiotic that stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the colon that promote digestion and reduce gas.
Provides calcium
A medium-sized artichoke (300 grams) provides 129 mg of calcium, or 15% of an individual's daily requirement. So this mineral is not found only in dairy products! It is necessary, in particular, for good bone health, for the proper functioning of muscles and the circulatory system.
It prevents anemia by being rich in iron
Anemia occurs when the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin, and therefore the red blood cells cannot properly distribute oxygen throughout the body. So eating iron-rich foods like artichokes is a great way to prevent anemia and the negative symptoms associated with iron deficiency.
Improves skin health and appearance
Not eating enough foods that contain vitamins C and E, as well as other nutrients, can lead to decreased collagen production and other skin-related conditions that lead to premature skin aging. The benefits of artichoke for the skin support the immune system and provide antioxidants that fight free radicals.
Rich in vitamin B9
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Like many green leafy vegetables (cabbage, spinach, for example), artichokes are rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid). Raw or cooked, it provides 10 to 17% of the daily folic acid needs of pregnant women . It is an essential nutrient to prevent abnormalities of the fetal nervous system (defective closure of the neural tube in the fetus), growth retardation and to reduce the risk of prematurity.
Provides magnesium
A medium-sized artichoke (300 grams) provides 30% of our daily recommended magnesium needs (ie 6 mg per kg weight/day). Magnesium, as it is known, is an essential mineral for regulating the nervous system.
?How do you preserve artichokes
Raw, it can be kept for up to ten days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator or in a cool place. You can also keep them for a long time by soaking the stems in a cup of water.
Cooked, keep for a very short time: 24 hours max. After that, it is not permissible to eat it, because it can develop toxic germs, causing minor disturbances in the digestive system.
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Table of components of artichoke compared to the average of other vegetables
Unwanted side effects
A large portion of its carbohydrates is represented by inulin (a reserve sugar), which gives it its distinct sweet taste. Inulin is involved in the balance of the intestinal flora but if consumed in excess, it can cause flatulence .

Source : websites