Organizing the eighth edition of the Amazigh Festival’s activities on art and heritage in the countryside
Organizing the eighth edition of the Amazigh Festival’s activities on art and heritage in the countryside 1-176
On Saturday, March 4, 2023, the eighth edition of the activities of the Amazigh Festival on Art and Heritage in the countryside opened, which is organized by the 21st Century Countryside Association, with the support of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, and in coordination with the Regional Directorate of the Youth Sector in Al Hoceima, the Plastic and Visual Arts Club of the Omar Bin Al Khattab Preparatory School in Al Hoceima, and the Association Moshe Ben Maimoun from Nador, over the course of two days: 4 and 5 March, at the Mohamed Ben Abdel Karim El Khattabi Youth House in Al Hoceima.
The activities of the festival, which was attended by a group of associative and educational events in the region, were opened with the intervention of the festival director, Mr. Yassin Rahmouni, who welcomed the attendees, participants and contributors to the forum and took the opportunity to thank everyone who contributed from near or far in order to bring this session into existence after an absence that was imposed due to the pandemic. and its implications for organizing festivals.
Organizing the eighth edition of the Amazigh Festival’s activities on art and heritage in the countryside 1-762
Immediately after that, an intellectual symposium was organized with a presentation of values under the title: Amazigh in the context of linguistic and cultural rights, moderated by Mr. Mohamed Lamrabti, a professor and human rights activist, through which he explored the roots of the marginalization of Amazigh before the colonization of Morocco, during the era of protection and after independence. Focus on the effective role of Amazigh associations during these stages to achieve a set of gains, which remain insufficient for Amazigh to assume its deserved and natural position in education, the media, the judiciary and all aspects of public life... Then the space was opened for discussion and the students and students interacted strongly with the subject and gave their opinion by asking good questions that deserve all praise And the note.
The opening ceremony was also known for organizing a distinguished singing evening for the brilliant artist “Abd al-Ali al-Rahmani”, who gifted the audience with artistic links that traveled with her words and through them to the beautiful time of the committed Amazigh song.
Organizing the eighth edition of the Amazigh Festival’s activities on art and heritage in the countryside 1--339
Immediately after the end of the musical evening, the participants and those present visited the galleries of the art exhibition organized on the sidelines of the festival by the active students and activists of the Plastic and Visual Arts Club of the Omar Bin Al-Khattab Preparatory School in Al-Hoceima, with a display of paintings, most of which are inspired by the depth of the Amazigh identity.
It is also worth noting that during the morning of the same day, a workshop in music was organized for the students of the same middle school, supervised by the artist Abdel Ali Al-Rahmani, in a wonderful atmosphere that was known for the unparalleled presence of the students, which explains their passion and interest in this fine and purposeful art.
Organizing the eighth edition of the Amazigh Festival’s activities on art and heritage in the countryside 1--340
The curtain came down on the activities of the eighth session of the Amazigh Festival on Art and Heritage in the Rif, on Sunday, March 5, with the organization of an exploratory excursion and an outdoor painting competition in the Al Hoceima National Park.
- President of the 21st Century Rural Al Hoceima Association, Yacine Rahmouni, organizer and president of the association

Source : websites