“What was before the creation of the universe?”... An American scientist answers a controversial question from a child
 “What was before the creation of the universe?”... An American scientist answers a controversial question from a child 1-368
“What was before the creation of the universe?”... An American scientist answers a controversial question from a child
CNN published a video, today, Monday, of an American physicist named Brian Green, as he answers a question to a girl about the origin of the universe, and what existed before it.
An American scientist answers
The American network reported that CNN Opinion is collaborating with the John Templeton Foundation to answer the biggest questions of American children.
She explained that Green is a professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University and co-founder of the World Science Festival.
?And about the question asked by a 9-year-old girl from Brooklyn in New York, and she said, What was there before the creation of the universe
 “What was before the creation of the universe?”... An American scientist answers a controversial question from a child 1-69
Two theories for the answer
, and the world began to answer: The beginning of the question is excellent, no one knows what existed before the creation of the universe, but there are two ideas among scientists, the first of which is that the universe always exists.
As for the second, according to the American scientist, “the universe has a beginning, but there is nothing before it, because time itself began with the beginning of the universe.”
The American scientist put forward realistic examples to convince the child of his idea, pointing out that everything has a beginning, but there is no meaning to what is before the beginning itself.
The idea of the beginning of the universe was a constant point of controversy between scientists on the one hand, and followers of different religions on the other hand, as many of them have different theories, some of which are parallel to the general concept.
"It's very important to realize that there are two types of time travel that are fundamentally different, and travel to the future is certainly possible," Green says.
He commented that we know this because the world Einstein showed us this way a hundred years ago when he showed that if a person goes into space and travels near the speed of light and turns back, his watch will go in a slower way, and therefore when he returns, this will be the future on earth and he will have traveled through time into the future.
The second type of time travel is travel to the past, which is controversial because many people doubt its possibility.
”Einstein also indicated that if a person travels near a strong source of gravity, a neutron star or a black hole, and approaches the edge of this thing, time will also slow down. For the person and for everyone else, and then when he returns to earth, for example, it will be another travel in the future.

Green pointed out that the second type of time travel is travel to the past and that it is controversial because many people doubt its possibility.
"The main proposal that people consider worthwhile to travel into the past uses a strange concept called 'wormholes'," he said.
A wormhole is something that Einstein also discovered in 1935, and it is like a bridge from one place to another in space, a kind of tunnel that makes you shorten the distance from here to here. And in a certain way, you will travel from one moment in time to another moment in time, meaning that going in one direction is a travel to the past, and going in another direction is a travel to the future.
Green pointed out that wormholes do not know how real they exist, and it is not known if they are real whether a person can pass through them, and yet it remains not excluded.
Watch the video here

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