?What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The seven wonders of the world designate architectural and artistic works that have entered history thanks to their extraordinary nature. Unfortunately, only one of these treasures of the ancient world remains today. Back to these monuments that have become famous.
Throughout history, human civilizations have set about building many monuments around the world. And despite often rudimentary means, some of these works have turned out to be quite extraordinary. Thanks to their impressive dimensions, seven of them have even gone down in history under the famous list of the seven wonders of the world.
The origin of this list remains unclear and several variants seem to have existed over the centuries. Nevertheless, many writings and traveler's stories in particular attest to the existence of these seven monuments, of which only one remains today. Here is the canonical list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World:
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- The pyramid of Cheops in Memphis1
Built in Memphis (Giza today) in Egypt in the 3rd millennium BC, this square-based pyramid was for a long time the tallest and most massive ever built. The pyramid of Cheops is the oldest but also the only marvel to have managed to cross the ages today. And it continues to intrigue archaeologists who wonder in particular about the methods that made it possible to build it for the pharaoh Cheops
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- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon2
The construction of the hanging gardens of Babylon dates back to the 6th century BC and is the work of Nebuchadnezzar II, then king of the Neo-Babylonian empire, who would have had this marvel built to remind his wife of his native country. Although many excavations have been carried out in Babylon (in present-day Iraq), no trace of the existence of these gardens could be found.
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- The chryselephantine statue of Zeus at Olympia3
This statue of Zeus would have been built in Greece in the 5th century BC and would be the work of the sculptor Phidias. Made of gold and ivory, it represented the god seated on his throne and would have, according to the writings, enjoyed great fame in the Greek world. The chryselephantine statue of Zeus is said to have disappeared in a fire in the 5th century after being moved to Constantinople .
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- The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus4
This temple built in Ionia (current Turkey) in the 6th century BC was described as the largest sanctuary dedicated to Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt. In addition to its colossal dimensions, the writings also evoke its rich decorations which would have contributed to its fame. The temple of Artémis would have disappeared in an arson in - 356 before being rebuilt then destroyed again in the 5th century.
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- The tomb of Mausolus at Halicarnassus5
Dating back to the 4th century BC, this monument was built in honor of Mausolus, governor of Caria, a region of Asia Minor that was then part of the Persian Achaemenid Empire (in present-day Turkey). The building was famous for its measurements but above all for its decoration and the sculptures that adorned it. The tomb of Mausolus at Halicarnassus fell into ruins from the 12th century and eventually fell into oblivion.
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- The Colossus of Rhodes6
This bronze statue representing the god Helios is said to have been built on the Greek island of Rhodes in the 3rd century BC. The Colossus of Rhodes was famous for its gigantic size which, according to some writings, exceeded thirty meters. Unfortunately, it would have been the victim of an earthquake, barely a century later, which would have made it fall to pieces. If texts suggest that the broken statue would have remained on the spot for several centuries, there is no longer any trace of it today.
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7 - The lighthouse of Alexandria
The construction of the lighthouse of Alexandria in Egypt dates back to the 3rd century BC and would have lasted about fifteen years. The building with imposing measurements was intended to guide the sailors at the level of the coasts of Alexandria . Although damaged over the centuries, it would have lasted until the 14th century before being completely destroyed.
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Animations to virtually recreate the Seven Wonders of the World
Although the appearance of these monuments remains subject to debate, the company Budget Direct and NeoMam studios had fun recreating them virtually. They developed animations showing what the Colossus of Rhodes, the lighthouse of Alexandria or even the gardens of Babylon would look like in current landscapes.
If only one of these wonders of the ancient world remains today, our planet is home to many others. In 2007, the New Seven Wonders Foundation also launched a vote of Internet users to establish the seven new Wonders of the world from a list of 21 sites. The winners were:

the great Wall of China,
Machu Picchu ,
the Taj Mahal ,
the Coliseum,
the city of Petra,
the statue of Christ the Redeemer,
the city of Chichen Itza .
In a special issue published on newsstands in December 2018 , GEO's editorial staff also lent themselves to the game! Among the hundreds of places covered in the magazine's 40 years of existence, we have elected our seven wonders of the world, the seven most fascinating sites in the history of humanity that deserve to be discovered.

Source: websites