?Watch.. what happens when a dying star throws hot gas into space
?Watch.. what happens when a dying star throws hot gas into space 1-854
Cosmic dust glowed in infrared light in an indescribable sight
In an incredible image, released by the US space agency NASA, it showed a huge star on the cusp of death spewing huge amounts of hot gas into space.

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope explained what the Wolf-Rayet star did when, last June, it released quantities of gas into space, as it emitted infrared rays that revealed the structure of the material that surrounded the star.
halos of dust
In a rare sight, Wolf-Rayet, known as one of the brightest stars, appeared with unprecedented detail for powerful infrared instruments, shedding its outer layers, and producing distinct halos of gas and dust.

It also had a mass twice the mass of the sun, and it threw the equivalent of 10 suns of material when the gas moved from it and threw it away.
In addition, cosmic dust glows in infrared light.
It is 15,000 light-years away
It is noteworthy that the famous star is 15,000 light-years away in the constellation of Sagittarius.

Massive stars usually race through their life cycles, while some only go through a brief phase before turning into supernovae, which makes observations of this rare phase valuable to astronomers.

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