The 6 Most Deadly Types Of Snakes For Humans
The 6 Most Deadly Types Of Snakes For Humans 1-951
Among them is the tiger snake, and the most dangerous is the black mamba..the 6 most deadly types of snakes for humans (photos)
Animals vary in their shapes, types, and sizes, and their affection and danger to human life, including reptiles.
Reptiles are classified into several main groups, namely:
Turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles.
In general, reptiles are vertebrates, and most reptiles share many general morphological characteristics, as they breathe through the lung, have two pairs of limbs and scaly skin, and most reptiles are ovoid that do not give birth, and their eggs contain a protective layer called the amnion that prevents eggs from drying out, There are also some types of reptiles that do not reproduce by eggs, but by childbirth.
There are approximately 3,000 species of snakes on Earth, including 600 poisonous species, but 7% of them are capable of killing or seriously injuring a person.
And many snakes kill their prey by poison, suffocation, or swallowing directly, even if the prey is very large, and snakes are cold-blooded that work to regulate their body temperature externally.
Snakes also have forked tongues that help them smell the ocean, which informs them of the presence of some kind of danger or the location of food.
Snakes also shed their skin once a month, allowing them to grow and shed parasites.
As for reproduction, most types of snakes lay eggs, but some of them reproduce by giving birth, such as sea snakes33.
Studies indicated that there are a hundred species of snakes threatened with extinction due to the loss of their natural habitats as a result of human activities.
There are approximately 70 species of snakes that live in the Indian and Pacific Oceans and are called sea snakes, as these snakes are extremely toxic but do not pose a threat to humans.
The most dangerous type of snake
According to the World Health Organization, there are 200 species of snakes that can cause severe harm to humans, and here are some of the most dangerous types of snakes in the world:
Saw-scaled viper :
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This type of snake is endemic in parts of India and the countries of the Middle East, and this snake is not considered to be the most dangerous or poisonous type of snake, but it is largely responsible for the deaths caused by snakes annually, due to its often presence in populated areas.
Royal cobra :
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The poison of the royal cobra can kill very large animals such as the Asian elephant, and this snake is classified as the longest poisonous snake on earth, as it may reach a length of 5.5 meters.
tiger snake:
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This type of snake lives in South Australia and Tasmania, and is considered one of the most dangerous types of snakes because it possesses a powerful mixture of blood coagulants, neurotoxins, and blood analyzers that it uses to kill its victims.
Inland Taipan :
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This type is also known as the violent snake, as this snake can kill a person in less than an hour, as it is one of the most dangerous types of snakes in the world, as its venom causes bleeding in blood vessels and muscle tissue.
Belcher Eel :
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Many believe that it is the most poisonous snake in the world, as its poison is 100 times stronger than the poison of the inland Taipan, and its bite is deadly, but fortunately it rarely bites humans, and this species lives in the Indian and Pacific oceans.
black mamba snake:
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This snake is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world, as its bite can kill a human in less than 30 minutes, and the black mamba snake uses lethal tubes to stab again and again, injecting a lethal amount of neurotoxin in each stab.

Types of snake venoms and their principle of action
After talking about the most dangerous types of snakes, it is necessary to mention the types of poisons of these snakes and the principle of their action, as the snake venom begins to work when it enters the bloodstream, and there are three main types of the most dangerous snake venoms, and in the following are the main types with the principle of action of each of them:
Neurotoxins : This type of poison attacks the nervous system of the victim and paralyzes the muscles. Death occurs when exposed to neurotoxins, either through suffocation or cardiac arrest. Cobra and mamba are examples of snakes that possess this type of poison.
Hematotoxins: Hematotoxins destroy red blood cells and damage internal organs, which can lead to internal bleeding. Death when exposed to hemotoxins is either due to organ failure or internal bleeding. Rattlesnake venom is one example of this type of poison.
Cytotoxins : Cytotoxins destroy cellular tissues and their death, and in the worst cases, these toxins gradually kill a very large number of cells around the biting area in the leg or arm. An example of snakes that possess this type is the spearhead viper.

Curiosities of the world of snakes
As it was mentioned previously that there are many different types of snakes, and therefore these types differ in many characteristics and methods of obtaining food, as each of them has capabilities that distinguish it from other species, and there are many amazing oddities in the world of snakes, and some of these oddities are:
Some snakes are able to fly, by changing the shape of the body to produce the aerodynamic force that enables them to move in the air, such as the Chrysobelia viper.
Some snakes are born with two heads because the fetus splits to form twins, but this division stops for some reason, leaving the twins connected.
Some snakes reach up to 30 feet in length, such as the reticulated python found in Southeast Asia and the East Indies, which can also weigh up to 250 pounds.
Some types of snakes spray their poison in the eyes, such as cobras, as they monitor the movement of the attacker and spray poison with his eyes accurately, even if he is 6 feet away, which causes blindness to the victim.
Researchers expect that snake venom can prevent heart attack and treat cancer, but this is still under study.
There is a Brazilian island called the Island of Snakes, which contains 5 snakes in every square meter of its surface area.
Some types of snakes that do not have dangerous venom steal the venom of some types of frogs and then store these toxins in the glands of the neck to use them later to defend themselves.
Snakes and animals in general differ in the form of their danger and the extent of their impact on human life, and sometimes some other animals.

Source : websites