?What would happen if the Moon got closer to the Earth
?What would happen if the Moon got closer to the Earth 2---31
Eternal present, the Moon remains for many a mystery. But what would happen if our satellite suddenly got closer to Earth? Spoilers: nothing good.

This is the blockbuster not to be missed at the beginning of ?February: Moonfall . A strange force causes the Moon to fall to Earth. If Hollywood has its own version of a possible rapprochement between the satellite and the blue planet based on explosions and supernatural force, what does science answer to this possibility which should not go beyond the framework of the supposed
?What would happen if the Moon got closer to the Earth 2-81
Moon-Earth links
?Whether ash or blood, she has always intrigued. For as long as the arts have existed, the Moon has always kept a mysterious side. Sometimes defined as a goddess, she is also the one who will see the appearance of the famous werewolves. Isn't that Remus Lupin

But science has redefined the Moon-Earth relationship . It has been shown that the gravitational influence of the selenite star has several functions: the creation of terrestrial and oceanic tides as well as a stabilization of the axis of the Earth . Just that. It is believed that the Moon was formed from debris from an impact with Earth and another planet billions of years ago.

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