Stromatolite induced age: 3.5 billion years.
Stromatolite induced age: 3.5 billion years. 1----97
Stromatolites are the reason we are alive today Before cyanobacteria the air was only 1% oxygen, then for 2 billion years photosynthetic stromatolites pumped oxygen into the oceans like trees underwater, before trees existed when ocean water was saturated, oxygen was released into the air, and with about 20% oxygen in the air life was able to thrive and develop
Stromatolite induced age: 3.5 billion years. 2-85
Even today you can see stromatolites fizzing underwater releasing oxygen
Oxygen has a major role in the continuity of life on earth, as this chemical element is the basis of respiration in humans and animals, and contributes to the process of photosynthesis in plants.

Oxygen is distinguished by its lack of color and odor. This chemical element constitutes approximately 21% of the composition of the atmosphere and is the third element, in terms of abundance, in the universe after both hydrogen and helium.

Source: websites