Armadillo is one of the strangest animals
Armadillo is one of the strangest animals 1---223
The armadillo is also known as the armadillo, and the reason for naming it by this name is the presence of hard panels on its body and covering it from all sides, and the most famous areas in which the armadillo lives are South America and the southern United States, studies have shown that these Animals tend to live in dry and semi-desert regions.
The physical structure of the armadillo:
On the body of the armadillo there are panels that are characterized by being very rigid that fill his body from his head to his tail, and the shoulder area, the upper thighs and the head are considered the most solid, as for the joints and the middle of the back, the panels are relatively flexible in order to facilitate movement for him, and he is one of the Animals are slow moving, due to its short stature, and it has claws on its limbs that are distinguished by their strength and sharpness, and it has five fingers that reach a length of 75 cm to 1.5 cm, and the length of the fingers varies according to the type of armadillo.
Armadillo is one of the strangest animals 1-256
Zoologists noticed that the female armadillo, a South American hedgehog-like animal, always carries and gives birth to 4 fetuses of the same sex, meaning that they are all either male or female.
One of the strangest facts about this small animal is that when it is exposed to danger and cannot dig a hole in the ground to hide in it, it quickly wraps its body like a ball and tuck its head and legs inside this armored ball to protect all parts of its body.
It is rare in this case for any other animal to be able to hit him with his teeth or harm him with his claws because he is rolling his body in a last attempt to survive.

Characteristics of the armadillo:
1- This animal can protect itself from enemies by wrapping around itself forming a solid ball of its shields on its body, and it has the ability to hide among the thorny grasses, and it is a peaceful animal despite the presence of strong claws.
2- He has the ability to dive into the water and hold his breath under the water for a full six minutes, but he cannot swim, so he only dives in the water.
3- An armadillo is born with soft and smooth skin, but with time it acquires shields on its body during its growth stages, and after the completion of its growth stages it moves away from its parents and lives in independent tunnels.

Source: websites