Archaeologists challenge historical theories that have prevailed for centuries
Archaeologists challenge historical theories that have prevailed for centuries 1-1099
The mysteries of the ancient Egyptian civilization have not been solved until today, and the old picture dates back to about 150 years ago, when the Giza pyramids overlooked the Nile River (Egyptian Geographic)
What raises the bewilderment of researchers is that no information about how to build temples and pyramids was not recorded in any of the papyri discovered until today or even in hieroglyphic writings.
Writer and researcher John West described the complexity and precision with which the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids, obelisks, and temples in a very simple sentence, when he said that it is as if you found a new Porsche, where you should find a wooden cart that was gnawed by termites. West was pointing out that it is not possible for statues and obelisks, with their precise sculpture, which reaches differences of fractions of a millimeter, to stand in place for tens of thousands of years with only their weight, as they were carved in red or black granite, which is from hard rocks, by means of primitive chisels and hammers. They are displayed in museums.
Archaeologists challenge historical theories that have prevailed for centuries 1-1100
Porsche under the Great Pyramid
John West is one of the contemporary researchers who see the Egyptian or other antiquities left by peoples and civilizations around the world in the same time period, that they were built by skilled workers and engineers and possess high-tech tools that we did not know until today. First, because the ancient Egyptians left papyri and hieroglyphic writingsThey did not leave any information about how to build and carve any trace of what they left. And secondly, because the archaeological finds until today have shown only a few of the equipment displayed in museums around the world. The architect obsessed with the legacy of the ancient Egyptians, Christopher Dunn, writes in his book “The Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt,” which has been published in dozens of editions in all languages, that “there is a tendency to romanticize the capabilities of the ancient Egyptians even though they built miraculous structures compared to our contemporary engineering structures.” "This is what constitutes a challenge to our technology and our view of our progress. For some reason, they were very clever in using sticks and stones to build what they built, as Egyptologists want us to believe."
Because of his theories about the highly advanced engineering and architectural techniques of the Egyptians, Christopher Dunn is considered one of the tweeters outside the flock of historical and engineering theories and contradicts the conclusions reached by archeology and other related sciences, from anatomy to history sciences and dismantling the mysteries of myths, especially the science of "Egyptology", which has become independent by itself. Dunn responds to his critics by being an engineer who looks at part of the painting and not at its historical and cultural details, that the engineering context is a cultural context in itself and is less likely to be ambiguous than the cultural context of mummies and pottery that can be placed in the geometric place after decades or even centuries of building construction.
What raises the bewilderment of many researchers and scholars is that no information about building secrets was recorded in any of the papyri discovered to date, or even in the hieroglyphic writings scattered in temples, tombs of kings and queens, and tombs of nobles, not even in the newly discovered tombs of workers, which were considered the most important discovery in the 21st century. All available information can be considered a clear indication that they were restoring buildings and nothing more, especially since all the equipment displayed in international museums cannot carry out restoration work because it is not suitable for cutting granite and then carving it into shapes so that the ancient sculptors appear as if they are doing an easy and easy job. Error cannot be tolerated.
Archaeologists challenge historical theories that have prevailed for centuries 1--112
The theories circulating about building huge pyramids and temples, lifting obelisks that weigh hundreds of tons, moving them from their distant quarries hundreds of kilometers away in Aswan to Luxor, then carving them with mathematical precision and lifting them in their places, are all still conflicting theories between the many teams of scholars, some of which are completely contradictory.
The young Egyptian engineer, Ahmed Adly, and a researcher in ancient Egyptian civilization, drew most of his research from conclusions reached by Egyptian scholars since the middle of the 20th century, but they were deviated from the devoted official discourse, as well as from the research of Western scholars of various nationalities who did not believe that red or black granite was carved in this way. Accuracy was done with simple machines, especially since granite is one of the hardest and hardest stones on the scale of "hardness" approved for minerals, which begins at the bottom with wax and salts, followed by limestone, and ends with granite and dorite, all the way to diamond. What makes this research worse is that before 3500 BC iron had not yet been discovered, and the Bronze Age was in the middle of it. In the opinion of researcher Adly, the ancient Egyptian sculptor had tools capable of carving granite, which is cut today with special saws with diamonds inside, and he was highly skilled in carving, which raises doubts about the tools he used.Sphinxes scattered everywhere, or obelisks of red granite, a large number of them were transported to the capitals of the world, and raised in their main square. This repetition and complete similarity between the sculpted figures does not indicate that they are left to the sculptor's mood. It is said that the statues of Ramses II, which were found in large sizes in Luxor in southern Egypt, are exactly similar to those found in small sizes thousands of kilometers away in excavations in northern Egypt. Indeed, the auditors found that the divisions were the same and matched like no other when checked on modern computers.
Obelisk puzzle
Obelisks that archeology recognizes as a monument for celebrations of the victory or coronation of a king, is another example of engineering miracles, as they are cut into granite quarries in Aswan in southern Egypt, and what raises scientists’ confusion to this day is how to dig them in the quarry and then lift them from their place to move them, knowing that the smallest obelisk It weighs 100 tons. Confusion affects the process of transporting it to the distant city of Luxor, then there is the most important question, which is how to stop it in its place without any material to prove it. And all the answers to these questions did not satisfy any of the researchers who do not agree with the official version. Engineer Adly cites the process of transferring one of the two obelisks of the Karnak Temple in Luxor to the Place de la Concorde in Paris, after Muhammad Ali Pasha gifted them to the French government after the opening of the Suez Canal in the last years of the 18th century. To thousands of businesses and to build a workers' village near the temple during the transfer process.
Archaeologists challenge historical theories that have prevailed for centuries 1--479
This is in the modern era, the era of iron cranes of all sizes and advanced engineering, so what is the situation with the ancient Egyptians and the builders of the Aztec pyramids or the Pantheon in Greece or the Baalbek Castle in Lebanon? whom archeology and historical sociology still describe as primitive peasants and farmers.  
Even the chronological date is not correct
There are theories by young archaeologists who want to re-date the entire previous civilizational era, on the assumption that current history has misidentified the time when these temples were built, after assuming that civilization began seven thousand years ago in Mesopotamia. And that all Egyptian antiquities date back to six centuries before that at most, and these scholars believe, and with the support of many evidences that they present in their research and programs through social media, and in many documentaries on the “Netflix” network, that there are two human eras, one preceding the last ice age, i.e. 12,800 years ago, and another that started again from scratch after a great flood that resulted from the melting of ice around the world. They support their statements with the universal myth about the flood, which is present in all cultures around the world, even as far away as the Indian Ocean, in the Easter Islands, Hawaii, Haiti, and in all cultures of the Far East. Including evidence such as the body of the "Sphinx" The rock that scientists have confirmed has been exposed to carving and erosion due to the flow of water around it for a long period of time, and the same applies to archaeological sites around the world, including many cities sunken under water as evidence of a sudden rise in sea level, and sunken cities on the banks of continents. And the Mediterranean Sea is the best evidence of the sudden rise in water, which has become apparent easily due to the witnessed development in monitoring and research machines, from satellites to small submarines.
Contemporary archaeologists, including the Egyptian Adly, whose theories began to be published on his program "The Lost Civilization" via "YouTube", are now publishing their theories that aim to overthrow all the findings of archeology and historiography until today, which confined all human civilization to one era that lasted The maximum does not exceed seven thousand years, despite everyone agreeing that the age of the Sphinx, for example, is not less than nine thousand years. Among what they reject is the consideration that the Mayan and Aztec civilizations on the American continent were at their height 1000 years ago, as is known globally now.
From Plato and Strabo, the famous Greek historian, to Arab historians such as Al-Qazwini and Ibn Battuta, to Napoleon Bonaparte’s last campaign, during which he discovered the Rosetta Stone, whose letters were deciphered by the French scientist Champollion and managed to translate hieroglyphs, everything that was discussed about the ancient Egyptian civilization has not yet answered all the questions posed. Which tries to assert that an advanced civilization existed at a time far beyond what was recognized, and it dealt with the meaning of its existence and exploited its knowledge in a different way than we do today.

The researchers' objection is spreading rapidly around the world, including the well-known BBC journalist John Gordon, who has been trying since his youth to prove that the history in force for all human civilization results from pressure exerted by the Church on the scholars who accompanied Napoleon's campaign against Egypt, who returned the pyramids. And the Sphinx to tens of thousands of years, and this dating contradicts the texts of the Old Testament, and it may even appear that there are two separate historical eras, one of which ended and the other started from scratch. Accordingly, the Egyptians who wrote hieroglyphs on obelisks or on huge statues and inside temples, found them all as we find them today, and attributed them to gods and demigods, and to strange powers from heaven that taught people new sciences. This is what they wrote on the walls of the temples.

Source : websites