"Damn the Holy Ignorance"
"Damn the Holy Ignorance" 1-275
This phrase was the last uttered by the Italian philosopher, Giordano Bruno, after the church sentenced him to be burned alive.
Bruno was a monk at first, as he tended to religious and theological studies at the beginning of his youth, and after that he turned to studying philosophy, which was one of the reasons for his death.
After that, he began to learn about philosophy, and then he studied astronomy and embraced the Copernican theory, which was forbidden by the clergy, and this theory says that the earth is spherical and revolves around the sun, and he was not satisfied with this theory only, but he said that the solar system is one of a group of systems that It covers the universe in the form of stars, divinity, and the infinity of the universe, as he said in his theory that all other star systems include planets and other sane creatures.
In the year 1593, the Inquisition courts began summoning Giordano Bruno on numerous charges, including heresy and heresy, as the Romanian arbitral tribunal accused him of denying the Catholic faith, and on January 20, 1600, Pope Clement VIII accused Giordano Bruno of heresy, after which a death sentence was issued against him.

Giordano Bruno was burned on February 17, 1600 (Manortes)
On April 17, 1600, he was sentenced to death by burning, and the sentence was executed in the Campo de' Fiori square in Rome, and historians have said that his execution came because of his religious views and not because of his philosophical views, and with his death the curtain came down on the life of the martyr of knowledge. The church regretted its act, and in honor of him it carved a statue representing him in Campo dei Fiori Square, to perpetuate the mention of this famous Italian philosopher and astronomer.