5secrets to a good night's sleep
5secrets to a good night's sleep 11852
One of the most difficult situations is spending a night tossing and turning without being able to sleep and waking up feeling lethally tired and exhausted, and of course sleepy and angry. Restless nights and stressful mornings can become more frequent as we get older and our sleep patterns change. For women, this problem often starts around menopause, when hot flashes and other symptoms wake them up.
It is normal for all of us to have trouble sleeping from time to time, but when insomnia continues day in and day out, it can become a real problem. In addition to our stress and mood swings, lack of sleep can have serious effects on our health, increasing our tendency for obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
If you're having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, try these five tips to help you get a better night's sleep:

Doing sports1-
Going for a quick daily walk can help you relax. Exercise increases the effect of natural sleep hormones such as melatonin. Studies have found that postmenopausal women who exercise three and a half hours a week fall asleep easier than women who exercise less. Just watch your workouts. Exercising too close to bedtime can be a trigger. Morning exercises that expose you to bright daylight will help your natural circadian rhythm.
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Bed stone for sleep and intimacy2-
Don't use your bed as a desk to answer phone calls and emails. Also avoid watching TV late at night in bed, the bed should be an inducement to sleep, not wakefulness. The TV isn't the only possible distraction in your bedroom. The ambiance of the room can also affect the quality of your sleep, so make sure your bedroom is as comfortable as possible.
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Practice a bedtime ritual3-
Practicing a bedtime ritual helps you prepare yourself to relax, unwind, and lull you to sleep. These rituals send signals to the body and mind that it is time for bed. Drink a cup of warm herbal tea, take a bath, or listen to soft music to relax before bed.

Have a light dinner4-
An empty stomach can keep you awake, as can a full stomach. Avoid eating a heavy meal two to three hours before bed. If you're hungry right before bed, eat a small, healthy snack, such as an apple with a slice of cheese or toast with some labneh, to satisfy your hunger and help you fall asleep.
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Avoid caffeine5-
If you have a snack before bed, it should not contain sugars or stimulants. Chocolate contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. As well as coffee, tea or soft drinks. They may make you feel a little drowsy, but they are actually a stimulant and disrupt your sleep at night. Also stay away from anything acidic, such as citrus fruits and juices, or spicy foods, as they can cause heartburn.

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