El-Kadi Ihsane case: Tebboune speaks on the subject
El-Kadi Ihsane case: Tebboune speaks on the subject 11912
Abdelmadjid Tebboune, spoke briefly about the case of the journalist and boss of the Interface media press group, El Kadi Ihsane, sentenced to three years in prison.
According to the Head of State, who spoke during an interview granted Wednesday to the various national press organs and broadcast this Saturday evening on public and private television, El Kadi Ihsane, whom he avoided quoting by name, was " condemned for facts that have absolutely nothing to do with his profession as a journalist ", he hammered in front of several press bosses, who did not dare to take up questionable and contested remarks, both in and out of outside the country. For Abelmadjid Tebboune, the journalist suffered a sanction for “ foreign financing, something that the largest democracies in the world, even the United States of America, cannot conceive (…) receiving money from foreign countries to denigrate the 'Algeria is unforgivable “, he argued. In this case, the denigration of Algeria is the criticism of power.

Incarcerated since December 29, then tried and sentenced on April 2, Ihsane El-Kadi was accused of having received funds from abroad. Article 95 bis of the penal code provides for a prison sentence of five to seven years for " anyone who receives funds, a gift or an advantage, to perform or incite to perform acts likely to undermine the security of the State , to the stability and normal functioning of its institutions, to national unity, to territorial integrity ”.
The appeal hearing is scheduled for May 21. On the very day that Tebboune recorded his interview with the Algerian press, the representative of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Khaled Drareni, hand-delivered a letter to the Head of State during a lunch organized on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day ( see adn-med of May 3 ). RSF demanded the release of El Kadi Ihsane and the discontinuance of the proceedings against the press group he led.

As a reminder, Abdelmadjid Tebboune had interfered in the Ihsane El Kadi case even before the trial was held. An interference which had led the defendant and the defense to boycott the hearing.

Source : websites