10tips to help deal with a selfish child
10tips to help deal with a selfish child 1---256
Selfishness in children is a natural condition in early childhood, where the child tends to keep his toys and things and does not allow anyone to touch them, and he may also tend to control the things of others, and this characteristic is usually temporary, but unfortunately some children keep it until they grow up, and because we want your child to grow up Proper upbringing Here are some tips to help you deal with a selfish child.
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First: In early childhood, the child acquires his characteristics from his parents and seeks to imitate what they do. Therefore, it is important for parents to avoid acting selfishly in front of the child so that the child does not become selfish.
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Second: Care to establish good moral concepts such as honesty, trustworthiness, love and affection, sincerity, help, and sharing. These good qualities will help the child get rid of selfishness and grow up to love goodness and help people.
Third: Correct the selfish behavior when you notice it, and gently discuss with the child about issues related to selfishness, and try to choose an easy and simplified way to explain to him the harm of selfishness, taking into account the child's intellectual level and his ability to absorb.
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Fourth: Neglecting the child, beating him, and constantly reprimanding him creates selfish tendencies in him, so the child feels that he is rejected and hated by his parents.
Fifth: Depriving the child of playing with others and depriving him of clothes, food, and toys pushes him to become selfish, as he wants to possess everything, and therefore all the needs of the child must be provided so that he does not feel that he needs everything.
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Sixth: Excessive pampering may be a cause of child selfishness. Be careful to stay away as much as possible from pampering children excessively, and do not fulfill all their desires until they get used to the fact that there are things that may not be easy to obtain.
Seventh: The child's fear of strangers and his friends pushes him to underestimate the importance of people, and this leads him to hate those around him, so he no longer cares about the interest of others, so he behaves very selfishly, so it is necessary to encourage the child to respect people and take care of the public interest.
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Eighth: Do not punish the child for his selfishness and do not curse or call him as such. Rather, help him get rid of this trait by promoting positive behavior and rejecting negative behavior through material or moral encouragement.
Ninth: Teach your child and train him to take responsibility, such as asking him to arrange his room or help his brother make his bed. These things will make him a cooperative child and this is what helps reduce his selfishness.
Tenth: Be sure to develop the child's self-confidence by talking to him about his strengths and praising him when he achieves success. These things will enhance his self- confidence , and he will discover with time that selfishness is a negative behavior that brings him harm, so he rushes to get rid of it.

Dealing with a selfish child is very difficult, but the previous methods make it easier to deal with him and may rid him of this trait permanently to become a loving, cooperative child who cares for the interest of others.

Source : websites