The European Parliament criticizes the status of freedom of the press and expression in Algeria
The European Parliament criticizes the status of freedom of the press and expression in Algeria 1-1312
Thursday, during a plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on European Union institutions and member states to publicly condemn Algeria for its repression of media freedom.
European MPs expressed their condemnation of the Algerian authorities' repression of journalists, the media, civil society organizations and opposition political parties.

This decision, approved by a majority (536 votes in favor, four against, with 18 abstentions) and related to the case of the Algerian journalist Ihssan El Kadi, who was sentenced on April 2 to five years in prison, calls for “immediate and unconditional support for this journalist and all those arbitrarily detained and accused to exercise their right.” in freedom of expression.” The European deputies confirmed that Ihsan al-Qadi was convicted before the court “on the basis of false accusations” of receiving money for political propaganda purposes and harming state security.
In the same resolution, the European Parliament called on the Algerian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Ihsane El-Qadi and all those detained in relation to cases related to exercising their right to freedom of expression, including journalist Mustafa Ben Jemaa, to drop the charges and stop judicial harassment against journalists.
He lamented the "deterioration of freedom of expression and freedom of the press at the regional level," calling for an end to "repression, verbal threats, arbitrary arrest and detention, legal measures, harassment and intimidation targeting human rights defenders, trade unionists, journalists and activists."
The European Parliament criticizes the status of freedom of the press and expression in Algeria 11936
The decision reviewed a series of breaches and violations against journalists, human rights activists, and trade unionists in Algeria because of their human rights activities, highlighting that pretrial detention is still “used against them in a punitive manner, even though they exercise their rights to expression and peaceful demonstration.”
The European Parliament urges the Algerian authorities to put an end to the arrest and detention of political activists, journalists, human rights defenders and trade unionists, expressing its solidarity with the Algerian citizens who have been demonstrating peacefully since 2019. Major freedom of information and freedom of expression.
The European Parliament confirmed that since 2019, at least 11 journalists and media professionals have been pursued and arrested, noting that the Algerian authorities are increasingly blocking news websites and publications critical of the government.

The European decision also touched on the case of journalist Mustafa Ben Jomaa, who is still in pretrial detention, as he was “interrogated more than 20 times on the background of his coverage of the Hirak protests in Algeria,” and was subjected to judicial follow-up, a travel ban, and repeated restrictions because of his journalistic work.
The decision indicated that the situation of freedom of the press in Algeria had “seriously deteriorated,” as the Algerian authorities filed, in October 2022, “vague criminal charges” against five other journalists, noting the unprecedented rise in the number of websites and newspapers that were blocked. Because of her criticism of the government.
The decision calls on the Algerian authorities to amend the provisions of the Algerian Criminal Code, in particular Articles 95 bis and 196 bis “related to security and which are used to criminalize freedom of expression,” as well as to adapt laws restricting freedom of expression with international human rights standards. He called on the Algerian authorities to "respect and promote fundamental freedoms, and to re-license media outlets that have been banned."
The European Parliament criticizes the status of freedom of the press and expression in Algeria 1-1313
The Algerian Parliament condemns the regulation of the European Parliament
The European MPs called on the EU institutions and member states to urge the Algerian authorities to ensure that visas and accreditations are granted “without undue delay” to foreign journalists and to allow them to work freely.
It is noteworthy that Algeria was exposed, last November 11, before the Human Rights Council in Geneva, to criticism from the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany during its universal periodic review.

Source : websites