7natural remedies for infertility
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?Every woman dreams of becoming a mother one day. It's a natural instinct! But, did you know that millions of women in the world suffer from infertility
Fortunately, there are natural infertility treatment options that help solve the problem. The rate of infertility is still increasing in the world, and the toxins in our modern world that pollute the body and threaten its precious functions, such as fertility, pregnancy and childbirth, are to blame.
?First, what is infertility
Primary infertility is defined as the inability to conceive despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least one year. Secondary infertility is defined as the inability to conceive or an incomplete pregnancy. There are many causes for infertility, including poor diet, emotional stress, sexually transmitted diseases, thyroid disorders, candida, medical conditions, eating disorders, obesity, and hormonal problems.
Today we bring to you the best natural infertility remedies that can help you get pregnant at the right time. These are safe and inexpensive treatments that you can do at home.
1-Choose the right time
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One of the easiest ways to increase fertility is to simply track your menstrual cycle to be able to determine ovulation and to choose the right time to have intercourse to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Start by buying a basal body thermometer and taking your temperature every morning before getting out of bed. Write the temperature on the chart. After a while, you will notice a rise in temperature, which indicates that ovulation has occurred.
2-cherry veins
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Cherry veins are a useful herbal fertility remedy for increasing the chances of conception. Boil the cherry veins and mix them with the milk. Eat this mixture for at least a week after your menstrual period.
3-Mulberry leaves
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Boil some mulberry leaves in water, but make sure not to use too much. The amount of water should be exactly 5 times more than the leaves. Let the water cool to room temperature, then drink it. You can use this remedy three times a week.
4-Warm water
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Always drink warm water because it helps to clean the intestines, thus improving the functions of the reproductive organs. This treatment can be very effective. Make sure to use it on a daily basis as it also helps improve blood circulation.
5-The roots of the banyan tree
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Banyan root is one of the oldest and most effective home remedies for female infertility. Mix the banyan root powder in milk and drink it three times a week. Make sure that you do not eat anything for at least 3 hours after eating it and make sure that you do not have this mixture during your period.
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Exercising is especially beneficial for people who are overweight. Being overweight reduces the chances of fertility, so exercising on a regular basis can be very beneficial. You can use a personal trainer to learn the correct and useful exercises.
7-Yoga and meditation
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Yoga helps maintain mental balance and calm the nerves, which increases the chances of fertility, as well as meditation.
There is also something that you must avoid in order to get rid of infertility and improve the chances of pregnancy, including:
Excessive smoking
Caffeine products such as tea and coffee

Source : websites