Amazigh Language Teacher's Guide: Primary Education Corps [PDF]
Amazigh Language Teacher's Guide: Primary Education Corps [PDF] 1865
The book Amazigh Language School and Teacher’s Guide, Elementary Education Corps, was published by a team of authors of the Didactic Research Center and Pedagogical Programs at the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture: Muhammad Al-Baghdadi, Fatima Aknaw, Abd al-Salam Khalfi, Benaisa Yashu, Bushra al-Barakani, Kamal Aqa, Ali Morif, and it is a book of 186 A page in the series of evidence No.: 6 Publications of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture in Rabat. According to the team of authors, this pedagogical guide, which is directed to female and male teachers of the Amazigh language practicing in the primary education corps, falls within the context of the current reforms taking place in the national system of education and training aimed at developing the pedagogical model that improves the learnings related to mastery of languages.
It aims to strengthen and develop the professional capacities of male and female teachers in order to carry out the tasks entrusted to them, especially those related to planning, managing, evaluating and evaluating the activities of the Amazigh language, and enabling them to possess methods and strategies to develop and develop the communicative competence of male and female learners in both oral and written aspects. The watchers also add to the guide that will contribute to the self-formation of educational frameworks for the Amazigh language and support and enhance their knowledge balance in a number of issues related to the teaching of the Amazigh language, as it consists of three chapters and two appendices, the first on the historical and civilizational dimension in the textbooks of the Amazigh language, and the second on the field of culture and literature. Berbers, this is in addition to a glossary of pedagogical terms.
The first chapter includes the institutional, educational, and organizational references for teaching the Amazigh language, as well as highlights the most important functions that ensue from teaching it based on those references, with an explanation of how this language has been rehabilitated and prepared for Sunnis at the levels of character management, spelling rules, and the lexicon to facilitate the process of teaching and learning. It also explains and interprets the method used in pedagogy to manage linguistic diversity at the level of study programs and textbooks.
Amazigh Language Teacher's Guide: Primary Education Corps [PDF] 1-583
The second chapter devoted to the oral part of the communicative competence focuses on the most important concepts related to the approach to teaching with competencies, through the definition of communicative competence in its oral part, with its components of understanding and expression from a theoretical point of view, supported by model lessons for managing and evaluating the skills of listening and speaking.
The third chapter devoted to the written part of communicative competence with its two components, comprehension and production, deals with the most important theoretical aspects of teaching reading and writing skills. It focuses on learning to read for beginners, on the five internationally recognized components of literacy: phonological awareness, the alphabetical principle, fluency, and the lexicon or “linguistic outcome.” Comprehension is enhanced by illustrative examples, and it also presents models of how to develop reading strategies for advanced students through its three stages, before, during and after reading, with a kind of blending between the theoretical and practical dimensions.
Finally, it must be emphasized that this book is among the pedagogical pillars that must be available to teachers of the Amazigh language in order to develop classroom practices and improve the quality of learning.
Amazigh Language Teacher's Guide: Primary Education Corps [PDF] 1-584
The book: A guide for a school and teacher of the Amazigh language: the primary corps
Edition: Revised Edition 2020
Legal filing: 2637 MO 2017
ISBN: 978-9954-28-250-2
Press: Okaz Publications - Rabat
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