?"Father's Day" .. Where did the idea come from? And where are we now
?"Father's Day" .. Where did the idea come from? And where are we now 1--710
Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June Source: Unsplash
On Sunday, many countries of the world celebrate Father's Day, an occasion aimed at showing feelings of love and appreciation to fathers for their sacrifices in raising their children.
On this occasion, gifts and greeting cards are sent, meals are eaten with parents, or they go out together in parks.
In the United States, the event takes on an economic dimension, similar to other similar events. And the "History" website indicates that Americans spend more than a billion dollars annually on Father's Day gifts.
?"Father's Day" .. Where did the idea come from? And where are we now 12061
During the past hours, hashtags related to Father's Day, such as "Father's Day", "#International_Father_Day" and #International_Father'sDay, have become among the most popular hashtags in the world and the countries of the Middle East.
Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in countries such as the United States, Canada and Britain, but Father's Day also has roots dating back to the sixteenth century in Europe and South America, where parents were honored on "Saint Joseph's Day", a traditional Catholic holiday that coincides with On March 19th, countries in Europe and South America still celebrate it on March 19th until now.
The beginning of Father's Day
The attempt to celebrate Father's Day began in the US state of Michigan in 1909, when Sonora Louise Smart tried to honor her father, William Jackson Smart, after she heard a religious sermon on Mother's Day urging honoring and caring for fathers.
?"Father's Day" .. Where did the idea come from? And where are we now 1-1526
Sonora wanted to do this in honor of her father, whose wife died earlier, and he raised his six children alone, so that his daughter then submitted a petition to celebrate him, which was supported by a large number, so that the city began celebrating it in 1910, so that this incident that spread in other places became a nucleus for celebrating Father’s Day .
Dodd went to local churches, store owners, and government officials to drum up support for her idea, and it worked. Washington State celebrated its first statewide Father's Day on June 19, 1910, the day her father was born.
Since then, the idea has gradually spread.
?"Father's Day" .. Where did the idea come from? And where are we now 1-1527
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson , who signed a proclamation establishing Mother's Day, approved of the idea, but did not sign an ordinance.
In 1966, US President Lyndon Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honoring Fr. The proclamation made the third Sunday in June an occasion to celebrate the father.
And every year since then, presidents have issued presidential statements for Father's Day.
On Father's Day this year, President Joe Biden issued a statement saying: "Across America, parents work tirelessly every day to build a better future for their families...Parents help their children overcome life's toughest challenges and boost their confidence."

Biden instructed government officials to "fly the United States flag on all government buildings on this day" in order to honor "our living and deceased parents, and to show them the love and gratitude that they deserve."

Source : websites