Learn about the average monthly income in the Arab countries (infographic)
Learn about the average monthly income in the Arab countries (infographic) 1880
Qatar ranked first in the Arab world, and sixth in the world, according to the ranking prepared by Numbeo on the cost of living and luxury of life, in terms of average monthly income for the year 2023.
The statistic included 102 countries of the world.
The average monthly income in Qatar was about $3,892, and the UAE ranked second in the Arab world and eighth in the world, with an average monthly income of $3,494.
Here is an infographic of the average monthly income of the Arab countries included in the classification:
Learn about the average monthly income in the Arab countries (infographic) 1-104
Qatar has a monthly income of $3,892, ranking sixth in the world
The UAE has a monthly income of $3,494, ranking eighth in the world
Kuwait's monthly income is $2,314, rank 25 in the world
Saudi Arabia monthly income 1996 dollars rank 27 in the world
Palestine has a monthly income of $632, 59th in the world
Jordan has a monthly income of $619, 60th in the world
Iraq monthly income $ 544 rank 66 in the world
Lebanon's monthly income is $474, rank 73 in the world
Morocco has a monthly income of $389, 84th in the world
Tunisia has a monthly income of $306, ranking 91 globally
Libya monthly income $ 290 rank 94 in the world
Algeria has a monthly income of $269, 95th in the world
Egypt's monthly income is $144, rank 102 in the world

Source: websites