6emotional problems every girl faces
6emotional problems every girl faces 12077
Natural Expectations When entering a new relationship, he expects to be sunshine and butterflies, all day, every day. But that doesn't turn out to be the case. They say life is really simple and we tend to overcomplicate things immeasurably. The same is the case with a relationship. This is a list of some of the most common problems couples face - and how to deal with them.
6emotional problems every girl faces 1-1563
1. Comparison
We tend to compare our relationship with other people's relationships, which leads to a lot of problems. But you have to realize that every couple has their own problems, they are trying to overcome their obstacles just like you. So if you see a couple having a great time, don't compare me. Instead, be happy for them and be happy for what you have too.
6emotional problems every girl faces 1-1564
2. The silent treatment
Women love to express their anger or desires with silence! It's true... The silent treatment is a tactic many women use to torture their partner. It is very difficult for men to understand hints, no matter how obvious they are. Men often don't even realize what they did wrong. And most likely, they won't realize until you tell them what you have in mind.
6emotional problems every girl faces 1--722
3. Friends we don't like
Compromising in a relationship is essential and that bargaining includes friends. It can be very stressful trying to be with his friends, especially those we don't like. Try to be as neutral and unbiased as possible. First impressions can be lasting, but you need to be open to giving second chances.
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4. Expect Too Much
We're all just human, not supernatural! Expecting too much from anyone is definitely a prejudgment of relationship failure. It is not fair to expect unreasonable things from anyone, to say the least. So avoid expecting your partner to do what you might find difficult. Everyone has different ways of handling things and may express their love in a different way than yours. Respect that.
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5. Not taking initiative
It is common and spontaneous in every relationship that one party is unintentionally forced to make all the decisions. If the matter is bothering you, all you have to do is take the initiative. Really listen to what your partner is saying to understand what they want to do and then make the decisions yourself.
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6. Blurring
This is the "I don't know where the relationship is going" stage. This stage can extend forever if you allow it. People stay in confused relationships because they are so comfortable just being with someone. Make up your mind. Staying with someone out of fear of being alone is the worst thing you can do.

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