Scientists claim to have discovered a new type of ancient man
Scientists claim to have discovered a new type of ancient man 12122
This structure has legs longer than arms
A recent scientific study has concluded that a controversial skeleton may belong to a new type of ancient human or "human ancestor", according to the British Daily Mail.
According to the British newspaper, scientists from the University of "Wittersand" in Johannesburg, South Africa, have concluded, after studying the skeleton of an elderly woman with a paralyzed left arm, that the structure does not belong to any known class of human ancestors.
Scientists claim to have discovered a new type of ancient man 1-1619
The skeleton was discovered for the first time in the nineties of the last century, and since then, research has been conducted on it in order to determine its type, but to no avail.
This structure has longer legs than arms, a trait associated with the evolution of modern humans, who prefer to walk long distances on their feet.
Studies revealed that the woman's diet was vegetarian only, noting that her height was about 4 feet (about 130 centimeters).

The researchers said that the structure may belong to a new class of humanoids, a tribe under the human family, that lived 3.67 million years ago, and they are distinguished by their different shape from anything modern humans have seen before.

Source: websites