Honeymoon activities in Brazil
Honeymoon activities in Brazil 12130
If you are thinking of a fun and entertaining destination, we suggest that you visit Brazil during your next honeymoon . We have arranged for you this small program for some of the activities that can be done if you visit Brazil as a special destination with your partner:

Visit these addresses:
* Brasilia: The cities of "Rio de Janeiro" and "Sao Paulo" have become synonymous with Brazil. But the forgotten city of Brasilia is the fourth largest city in the country, and it is also the capital of the country. This bustling city is home to nearly 3 million people. What distinguishes it from its sisters are the architectural masterpieces that it presents and the story that hides behind each one of them. In the nineteenth century, the idea of transforming the capital of Brazil from "Rio" into a central city was sparked. This was done at the end of the fifties of the last century, when it witnessed an architectural shake-up over 41 months at the hands of the great architect "Oscar Niemeyer".
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* Climbing towards Sugar Loaf: A trip to Rio de Janeiro is not complete without visiting Sugar Loaf via cable car. The iconic Sugar Loaf shape is known the world over, as it is an experience of floating hundreds of feet in the air with breathtaking views of the ocean, beaches, city and distant mountains. You will first reach the top of Morro de Ocra, and enjoy a miniature theatre, restaurants and shops before continuing the road that leads you to the Sugar Loaf.
* Visit the jungle: If you want your honeymoon in Brazil to turn into an adventure that leaves a vivid memory in your mind, you should not miss visiting a really special place, which is Manaus. Why? Manaus is where excursions are organized in the world's largest rainforest, the Amazon. Diving into such an adventure and exploring the wonderful ecosystem is well worth your time and effort. A third of the living creatures on earth live here, and half of the 20 largest rivers in the world are located in this place, such as the Amazon River. This is why, for hundreds of years, people have come to discover and fall in love with Brazil.
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*Watch Wildlife: The Pantanal is the largest tropical wetland of its kind, located in the state of Moto Grosso de Sul. This area is full of wild animals, such as tigers, caimans, and giant river otters. In addition, its privileged location and basin-like structure lead to the creation of a large delta fed by water from various sources.
* Rio de Janeiro Festival: If you have ever heard of Brazil, there is no doubt that you have also heard of the Rio de Janeiro Festival, known as the Carnival. This ceremony is unparalleled in any country in the world. The activities and festivals that are known all over the world in Rio are worth the effort and hardships of travel.
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* Visit Diamantina National Park: You can enjoy hiking in nature, exploring caves, diving in water, boating and other fun activities that are all within easy reach among the mountains, forests, caves, rivers and picturesque waterfalls in the Diamantina National Park located in the state of Bahia.

Source : websites