3Algerian cities are among the TOP 15 of the hottest cities in the world
  3Algerian cities are among the TOP 15 of the hottest cities in the world 1899
The “Eldorado Weather” website, which specializes in temperatures around the world, ranked 3 Algerian cities among the list of the hottest cities in the world during the last 24 hours.
In the latest update of the same site, we find the city of Timimoun in the Algerian state of Adrar in fifth place with 48.4 degrees Celsius, while the city of Adrar occupied the eleventh place with 47.6 degrees Celsius, while the ouallene tower in Adrar came in the fourteenth place with 47.3 degrees Celsius.
  3Algerian cities are among the TOP 15 of the hottest cities in the world 1-657
The Iranian province of Amideh topped the list with a temperature of 50.2 degrees Celsius, followed by the Iranian city of Abadan with a temperature of 49.6 degrees Celsius. While the city of Samawah in Iraq came in the fifteenth and last place in the list of the hottest cities in the world, with a temperature of 47 degrees Celsius.

Source: websites