Science reveals: the staggering size of the largest organism that ever lived on Earth
Science reveals: the staggering size of the largest organism that ever lived on Earth 1900
Dinosaur remains discovered in Argentina
Paleontologists have suggested that a dinosaur the size of 3 buses may have lived on Earth, saying that it is the largest creature ever to walk on our planet.
Scientists came to this conclusion, after studying the fossil remains of six adult dinosaurs that were found in Argentina in 2013.
Science reveals: the staggering size of the largest organism that ever lived on Earth 1-658
The study revealed that the dinosaur called "Patagotitan mayorum" had a huge body weighing 61 tons, while its length reached 35 meters.
Accordingly, the huge crocodile was longer than three London buses, and its weight exceeded a Boeing 737, according to Sky News.
Scientists believe that the "Patagotitan Maimur" dinosaur, which belongs to a group called "Tita Nazurus", may have lived on Earth 100 million years ago, that is, during the Cretaceous period.

Similar to the "Sauropod" dynasty, the dinosaur depended on eating plants for its diet, as it walked on all fours, and had a long tail and neck.

Source: websites