The spoiled child: suffering in childhood and misery in old age.
The spoiled child: suffering in childhood and misery in old age. 1903
Excessive pampering of a child involves many risks that may be more serious than hitting him, especially if the child is alone. The only child is often selfish, enjoying controlling everyone around him to the point where he becomes a dictator.
The spoiled child: suffering in childhood and misery in old age. 1-666
Yes, excessive pampering spoils the future of the child:
- Therefore, educators and family specialists warn against the strong emotions that make the child unable to relate to his peers, because he feels very satiated by the family's affection, so he does not tend to others, which develops loneliness and introversion within him.
- It also controls the spoiled child, selfishness, love of controlling his brothers, and violence in his behavior with them because he feels distinguished from them, in addition to that he cannot rely on himself or face the troubles and difficulties of life.
The spoiled child: suffering in childhood and misery in old age. 1-667
How should you deal with a spoiled child??
In order to get rid of this scourge, parents must be moderate in raising their child and not exaggerate in protecting and pampering him, or neglecting him as well.
- And they have to be aware that when they deny him some of his needs, this does not mean at all depriving him, but rather means giving him a proper upbringing so that the child comes out to society capable of facing life, being able to cope with every situation he is exposed to in his life.
The spoiled child: suffering in childhood and misery in old age. 1--189
- Not everything is easy and not all desires are available, and if an attempt to satisfy him and meet his requests immediately may make him and the mother happy at the same time, but this happiness will not last when his desires later conflict with the prohibitions. Whoever does not understand how to meet all his needs will not understand that he will be refused a request one day, no matter how forbidden it is, because for him there is no difference between what is forbidden and what is desired.
The exaggerated evidence, even if it is motivated by love and good emotions, often turns into the opposite of what is intended.
The spoiled child: suffering in childhood and misery in old age. 1--190
Creating a self-centered child:
He only understands the language of selfishness, he thinks only of himself and what serves his personal interest, even if it is at the expense of others, and he does not care at all about those around him, and he grows up not realizing that his freedom stops at the freedom of others.
Academic failure and poor achievement:
One of the most important residuals of excessive pampering is that the child fails in his studies, or his level declines, and he finds it difficult to achieve academic achievement because he does not respond to the teacher’s words or does not prefer to listen to the explanation, and he gets used to practicing what he likes without looking at the consequences.
The spoiled child: suffering in childhood and misery in old age. 1---62
Absence of responsibility:
The spoiled child is brought up that his needs are met without the slightest effort on his part, which makes his life more difficult for him and for those around him, because he is not used to relying on himself and fulfilling his needs on his own.
Lack of social maturity:
Because he is always surrounded by someone who protects him and fears him, the spoiled child will not be socially mature, on the contrary, he will lack the most important skills that every child must acquire in childhood in order to rely on himself in the face of everything that opposes him in his life, which causes him problems as he grows up.

Others' intolerance:
No individual or group can tolerate a spoiled child, and they cannot put any effort into tolerating his mood, especially since he does not respect their social rules.
His insensitivity to his parents:
Parents think that excessive pampering for their children is a kind of care and an attempt to provide them with a proper life, but sometimes this pampering turns into a destructive monster for them, for you, and for your relationship.
The thing that will be a maker of problems and crises.

Source: websites