Methods of raising children to be calm and disciplined from an early age: very important details and directions
Methods of raising children to be calm and disciplined from an early age: very important details and directions 1--821
raising a child to be calm and respectful is one of the things that a mother seeks to instill in her child's personality from an early age, because it helps him later, especially when he enters school where he needs to act calmly. Children also need calm in order to grow well and socialize.
Enjoy calmness and provide the necessary environment for the child to enjoy stability:
Set clear and easy-to-implement rules and regulations:
Methods of raising children to be calm and disciplined from an early age: very important details and directions 1--822
Explain the rules of dealing and behaving within the family because ignoring this does not give the child the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. For example, if your child behaves wrongly in front of the guests of the house, all you have to do in this situation is to make him stop this behavior quietly without explaining these rules to your child in front of the guests in order to enhance your son's self-confidence. You must explain to him the rules in dealing within a session between you and your child only.
Paying attention to everything positive that the child does:
Take care of the positive actions that your child does, even if they are simple, and also take care of his skills and everything beautiful that he does, and do not ignore his efforts. Reward him for it and support him in his dreams and aspirations so that he knows his purpose in life, and be the greatest advisor for him so that he trusts you as a mother and friend. Thus, you will get a child who lives in psychological and emotional stability and does not rebel or scream at home.
Arrange the right place and time:
Prepare the house and arrange it, as this will make the whole family feel comfortable and stable, in addition to preparing a place to play for your child, and set with him certain times to play and certain times to study if he is old. And do not forget to keep eating times on time, as this is very important and sends a positive message to your child’s brain, which makes him feel very calm, and also keep his sleeping times at the same time, as this will create a healthy habit for him.
Methods of raising children to be calm and disciplined from an early age: very important details and directions 1834
Choose the right toys for your child:
Choose toys that help your child calm down and develop his imagination. Don't buy toys that he gets bored of quickly. And you can keep everything that can cause chaos in the house at the hands of the child so that you do not have to scream and hit, if he uses a method only to provoke you, forcing you to fulfill his request, such as crying and screaming. Completely ignore the behavior and try to distract him, such as preparing another toy or book.
Some tips on playing and how to help your child calm down:
- The large number of dolls and games limits imagination, which is an activity test resulting from self-motivation, and restricts children's active play behavior.
Methods of raising children to be calm and disciplined from an early age: very important details and directions 1-1768
- When buying a new game, you must pay attention to the fact that it provides children with various and changing play possibilities, and not to be a single, rigid game.
- A good game that has been tried should be completed with additional pieces instead of buying a new game, so that the children remain within the scope of the game sequence and its course, which keeps him calm and calm at the time of play.
- Instead of buying a new toy, children can be given things from the adult world, such as cardboard boxes, pipes, fabrics, old appliances, wood planks, boxes, costume supplies, craft materials, etc. The more intense the integration of these objects used in daily life into play, the less children focus on constantly obtaining new toys, which works on their emotional stability and maintains their calm.
Methods of raising children to be calm and disciplined from an early age: very important details and directions 1-1769
At the same time, the existing play conditions allow or hinder the various forms of play that encourage children to collect distinct learning experiences. The child must at a certain point make mistakes and we need to punish him. How to punish the child smoothly without resulting in aggressive behavior in your child.
Some of the most important tips for punishing a child softly:
No to beating.. at all:
Stay away from hitting or yelling at your child as a means of punishment, as it is not effective in modifying behavior, it is also a manifestation of weakness that makes you fall from your child's sight. It also destroys the relationship between you two and makes him show his anger as well and become a lot of screaming. When ignoring is used as a method of behavior modification, the ignoring is the behavior, not the child.
For example, if your child falls to the ground and starts crying and screaming in objection that you do not give him something he wants, completely ignore the behavior, but you can try to find alternatives such as bringing another toy or book.
Methods of raising children to be calm and disciplined from an early age: very important details and directions 1---350
Your decision to punish makes you the subject of the child's test:
Very calmly, tell him that you will play with him or read, and it is better to make him choose between two things, so that he will satisfy his ego. If he continues or increases in screaming, tell him that you are ready to play with him when he finishes crying.
You are just here telling him that crying is not a pressure factor for you at all, which makes him always remain calm. Know that by making the decision to punish, you will be the subject of the child's test. As he will try in various ways to dissuade you from this decision, so do not back down, but prove to him that you are serious and will not be lenient with his mistake or be lenient with him.

Stop threatening and start executing.
Stop threatening and start implementing, as I find many mothers stop at the threat stage, and her threat does not affect the child, because he did not experience actual punishment, but only verbal experience, so we find that he does not believe his mother, underestimate her, and does not respect her or take her account. Also, you should not show the child your fear or anxiety about his behavior, but rather maintain your confidence in yourself.

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