It was a herbivore.. The discovery of a dinosaur that lived 75 million years ago in Egypt
It was a herbivore.. The discovery of a dinosaur that lived 75 million years ago in Egypt 1--197
Mansoura University in Egypt announced the documentation of the discovery of a new herbivorous dinosaur that lived about 75 million years ago near the Kharga Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt.
The university confirmed that an international team, with an Egyptian scientific partnership, recorded a new Egyptian herbivorous dinosaur that lived on the banks of rivers and among the dense trees, about 75 million years ago near the current Kharga oases, in the Western Desert of Egypt.
It was a herbivore.. The discovery of a dinosaur that lived 75 million years ago in Egypt 1918
The study was published in a journal called "GVB" and deals with vertebrate fossils, shoulder blades and limbs, in addition to the pelvic bones.
In addition, the Egyptian paleontologist Hisham Salam, founder of the Mansoura University Center for Vertebrate Excavations, and the researcher co-author of the scientific paper, said: This discovery was not recent, as the remains of this dinosaur were discovered in 1977 by German scientists, adding that the remains of the discovered Egyptian dinosaur were shipped to the University of Berlin under the cover of the German project for geological studies in the Egyptian Western Desert.
It was a herbivore.. The discovery of a dinosaur that lived 75 million years ago in Egypt 1-687
He added that over the course of half a century, the dinosaur fossils moved between the cellars and corridors of German museums and universities until it settled in the Museum of Natural History in Berlin.
He also added that the dinosaur was called "Aegy Simkho", a name derived from the ancient Egyptian language, as the word Aegy means "Lord of the Oasis".While Simkho means "the forgotten", due to its long history of oblivion in the vaults of various German museums, to be the seventh Egyptian dinosaur to be discovered.
It was a herbivore.. The discovery of a dinosaur that lived 75 million years ago in Egypt 1-688
Bilal Salem Al-Maeed, a member of the research team and one of the authors of the study, confirmed that Ijay Simkho belongs to the giant family of titanosaurs, specifically the terrestrial four-legged Saltasaurus family, pointing out that despite this, its length ranges between about 10-15 meters, and it is slightly larger than its contemporary cousin, which is the dinosaur Mansourasaurus, and it also differs from it in some anatomical features in the dorsal vertebrae, limb bones and metatarsals.

He stated that the results of the study confirmed that the regions of North Africa and Eurasia were closely involved in the presence of terrestrial four-legged dinosaurs at the end of the Cretaceous period, and the scientific paper indicates that the evolutionary history of dinosaurs in the region of North Africa and the Middle East was more complex than expected.

Source: websites