10active volcanoes in the world
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Mysterious and uncontrollable, volcanoes have fascinated people for millennia. These giants of nature are unpredictable, as recent news shows. Many areas in the world depend on the moods of these explosive or effusive mountains and their awakening often causes amazement and dread in the surrounding populations. From Iceland to the Philippines via Italy , let's discover the most active volcanoes in the world.
No. 10 – Tavurvur, Papua New Guinea
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Tavurvur, is located on the island of New Britain, in Rabaul Bay, Papua New Guinea . It is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the country. In 1994, a violent eruption totally devastated the town of Rabaul: today it is almost deserted. Since then, the eruptions have been repeated. In August 2014, its clouds of volcanic ash had even disturbed the airspace!
N° 9 – The Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia
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This volcano in the Andes, 130 km from Bogota , is one of the highest in Colombia : it rises to 5,321 m above sea level. It is the source of one of the deadliest volcanic eruptions in history. In 1985, after 69 years of dormancy, an eruption caused a devastating mudslide from the glaciers surrounding the volcano. Over 35,000 people were killed in their sleep in the towns of Armero and Chinchiná.
No. 8 – Le Taal, Philippines
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On the island of Luzon, just 60 km south of the capital, Manila , lies an eerie wonder of nature: the Taal volcano . Don't be fooled by its small size, it is the smallest active volcano in the world but also the most dangerous in the Philippines! Located in the middle of Lake Taal, its crater is filled with water. This complex tangle offers a splendid landscape, where two of the four elements meet.
N° 7 – Le Sakurajima, Japan
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Just 8 km from the city of Kagoshima , on the island of Kyūshū , Japan, is the Sakurajima . This volcano, whose name literally means "island of cherry trees", was formed 22,000 years ago. Its volcanic activity is very intense and continuous and the area is constantly threatened. Its last major eruption dates back to March 2017, but there are many small explosions throughout the year, constantly threatening the area.
No. 6 – Mount Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of Congo
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To the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo , "the one who smokes", or Mount Nyiragongo, dominates the city of Goma . It is the most active volcano in Africa, it is part of the Virunga chain. Its lava lake that can flow down its slopes very quickly makes it extremely dangerous, especially for the surrounding populations. On January 17, 2002, one of its eruptions killed 147 people.
No. 5 – Eyjafjöll, Iceland
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Eyjafjallajökull is certainly the best known of Iceland's 13 ice caps. It owes this notoriety to the volcano it shelters: Eyjafjöll. Erupted in March 2010, it remained active for 7 months and paralyzed the airspace for almost a week because of its ash clouds! Today calm, the glacier allows hikers to explore and is one of the most beautiful landscapes in Iceland .
No. 4 – Mount Agung, Indonesia
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Located in Indonesia, on the island of Bali , Mount Agung is its highest point. There are five eruptions of this volcano: in 1808, 1843, 1863 and 2017 and the most recent, very impressive, on June 13, 2019. At the heart of the news, Mount Agung is becoming more and more threatening. Its seismic activity is currently constantly monitored and climbing the mountain, which is one of the main tourist activities on the island, is prohibited.
No. 3 – The Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion, France
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It is the most visited place on Reunion Island , and the show is really worth the detour! The Piton de la Fournaise is the third most active volcano in the world with an eruption every 9 months on average. Its spectacular colors delight photographers and tourists who come in large numbers. Many hikes are possible on the mountainsides, but you can only approach the craters with the authorization of the prefecture!
No. 2 – Etna, Italy
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On the east coast of Sicily , Etna dominates with its splendour. Admired and adored, it appeared many times in Greek mythology as the forge of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire. Symbol of the island, it frequently erupts and offers a grandiose and terrible spectacle from the city of Catania which trembles with each awakening of the monster. Etna is the second most active volcano in the world, and the first in Europe.
No. 1 – Kilauea, Hawaii , USA
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With 52 eruptions during the 20th century , Kilauea is the most active volcano in the world! Located on the eastern tip of the island of Hawaii , it rises to over 1,246 m above sea level. One of its eruptive vents, the Pu'u 'Ō'ō, has been erupting continuously since January 3, 1983! According to a legend, Kilauea is the home of Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire. It would be her who would trigger the eruptions by stamping her foot... Be careful not to disturb her too much!

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