The 10 most photogenic destinations
The 10 most photogenic destinations 12241
If there is a time when you take beautiful photos, it's when you're traveling! The goal: to immortalize his vacation on the other side of the world with splendid shots. However, some destinations are more photogenic than others. So where should you go to take the most beautiful shots for your holiday photo album? Here is our selection…
N° 10 – Vorarlberg in Austria for its preserved nature
The 10 most photogenic destinations 1-423
Less known than Tyrol, Vorarlberg is a magnificent mountainous region in western Austria, opposite Switzerland. Snow-covered in winter, Vorarlberg is then perfect for skiing… But it is in summer that Vorarlberg is adorned with sublime green colors and becomes particularly photogenic.
This region is indeed rich in unsuspected natural beauty that you will love to photograph and then rediscover on your return by choosing and creating a  holiday photo album  faithful to the spirit of your trip. For example, you can capture the intense blue of the huge high altitude lake Lünersee, take magnificent shots of wild orchids in the beautiful Großes Walsertal biosphere park or take breathtaking panoramic photos at almost 2 000 meters high, during the ascents by cable car or chairlift in the Bregenzerwald.
No. 9 – Cuba for vintage photos
The 10 most photogenic destinations 1867
Nostalgics and history buffs will undoubtedly have a preference for Cuba. Since the 1959 revolution and despite the recent opening up of the country, it seems that it has not budged. Shiny American cars or old Ladas that look like Lego cars, preserved colonial buildings in Trinidad or Havana, posters of missing Cuban dignitaries... Time has stood still in Cuba, so it's the perfect destination for taking vintage photos!
No. 8 – Miami for the most beautiful Art Deco buildings
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Architecture lovers will be more tempted to leave for Miami Beach to discover its famous Art Deco district. The city was indeed one of the jewels of this architectural style of the 1920s and some eight hundred buildings with geometric facades offer a superb pastel decor in the middle of the palm trees of Miami. All just a few meters from the famous sandy beaches of South Beach! Between two Art Deco photos, you can take a dip in the crystal clear waters of Miami.
No. 7 – South Africa for amazing wildlife
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Wildlife photography enthusiasts will undoubtedly prefer to go to South Africa, to Kruger Park more precisely. It is indeed possible to carry out safaris there with experienced guides who will be able, thanks to their expert eye, to lead you directly to one or more of the famous big five, namely the lion, the elephant, the leopard , the rhinoceros and the buffalo. Sleeping in a lodge in Kruger Park, you will also have the opportunity to take dreamy photos of the sunset over the savannah.
N° 6 – India for the festival of colors
The 10 most photogenic destinations 1---370
From north to south India, what strikes the traveler's retina straight away is the permanent festival of colors in the streets of the country. Whether you are in Calcutta, Bombay or Pondicherry, it is a continual parade of traditional outfits of all colors that is held under the amazed eyes of tourists. Pink, blue, green, red, orange saris… Anything goes and, good news, Indians love to have their picture taken! Provided you ask, of course, you are guaranteed to walk away with images of Indians that exude joy and spontaneity.
N° 5 – Mongolia for its superb landscapes
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For a stay in the heart of nature, Mongolia is a destination of choice. All you have to do is move away from the capital Ulaanbaatar for an almost immediate immersion in the middle of the steppes with superb photos to boot. Further on, the Gobi desert and its dunes, between camel rides or on foot, will fascinate all adventure enthusiasts. Finally, a night in a nomadic yurt is essential to live in the local way and make very beautiful portraits of this very warm population. A trip to Mongolia is therefore the perfect opportunity to make a very beautiful photo album in the form of a travel diary!
N° 4 – Andalusia for its exceptional architecture
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Andalusia's historical and artistic heritage is phenomenal, both in terms of castles and fortresses ( alcazabas ) and palaces and places of worship.
Granada, Seville and Cordoba alone contain many unforgettable marvels frozen by time and shaped by several civilizations. The Moorish imprint, the most significant, is observed through sublime buildings such as the Alhambra in Granada or the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. As many architectural beauties, it is of course always the guarantee of stunning photos.
No. 3 – Hawaii for its active volcano
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Kilauea on the island of Hawaii is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Regularly erupting, it offers a magical spectacle: the lava flows gently down its side before flowing into the ocean. By observing this incredible natural spectacle from a boat or aboard a helicopter, one is guaranteed to take magical panoramic photos of this breathtaking natural phenomenon. Since 2017, volcanic activity has increased so much that the flow of lava into the ocean is even more impressive than before! Gorgeous photos guaranteed.
N° 2 – Abu Dhabi for its impressive dunes
The 10 most photogenic destinations 1----237
Taking a picture of the desert is often the guarantee of magical and fleeting shots, which immediately inspire a feeling of plenitude. One of the most beautiful deserts in the world is undoubtedly that of the emirate of Abu Dhabi. It is no coincidence that the famous Lawrence of Arabia spent so much time there... To take the most beautiful photos of this desert, go to the high dunes of the Abu Dhabi desert, just before sunrise. sun. At dawn, you can admire the glowing desert and immortalize this incredible gradation of warm colors.
N° 1 – Sardinia for its dream beaches
The 10 most photogenic destinations 1----238
Let yourself be tempted by Sardinia and its postcard coastline! This island is undoubtedly one of the most photogenic regions of Italy. Between the magical coves with turquoise waters of the Golfo di Orosei and the ultra-fine white sand of most of the beaches in the south of the island, the coast of Sardinia easily rivals the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. What beautiful beach photos in perspective to immortalize your vacation with your feet in the water!

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