It is 12,000 years old. A fossil flamingo egg from the Ice Age was discovered in Mexico
It is 12,000 years old. A fossil flamingo egg from the Ice Age was discovered in Mexico 1-716
It is 12,000 years old. A fossil flamingo egg from the Ice Age was discovered in Mexico - photo from unsplash by adrien stachowiak
A new discovery announced by scientists from Mexico, where an ancient fossil egg belonging to flamingos, ranging from 8 thousand to 12 thousand years old, was excavated, and its location was monitored at the new airport in the country. Phoenicopteridae Flamingos of the Americas.
Rare find
It is 12,000 years old. A fossil flamingo egg from the Ice Age was discovered in Mexico 1-717
And according to the newspaper "Diariodemexico", the fossil was found near Santa Lucia, where the new Philip Angeles International Airport is located, which amazed scientists during the excavation that the egg was preserved in an ideal way. In the Pleistocene era, a fossil of flamingo eggs was found. At a depth of 31 cm, it is surrounded by mud, oil shale, and some mineral residues and sediments.
It is 12,000 years old. A fossil flamingo egg from the Ice Age was discovered in Mexico 1375
According to the fossil discovery site, scientists suggest that the area was the site of a shallow lake between 8,000 and 33,000 years ago, and this time was the time of flamingos flourishing. It is worth noting that the Pleistocene geological era, which is considered the latest ice age, began 2.6 million years ago. It ended about 11,700 years ago, according to reuters.
Flamingo egg specification
It is 12,000 years old. A fossil flamingo egg from the Ice Age was discovered in Mexico 1--52
According to what was mentioned in "Diariodemexico", the egg was 93.5 mm long and 55.8 mm wide. A study was conducted to distinguish between the eggs of different groups of birds to reveal the specifications of fossil eggs in terms of length, width, pattern and shape of the shell. The study took place on American white pelicans and geese. the snow.

The Mexican Institute suggested that the flamingo fossil bone records date back to the late Miocene era 11.6 million years ago. It is noteworthy that there are species of American flamingos known today for their bright pink coloration and live in South America, the Caribbean, the Yucatan Peninsula and the southeastern coast of the United States. .

Source: websites