“memory of Ait Hanini” organizes a training course in the field of educational developments, education sciences and school subjects at the Moroccan school
“memory of Ait Hanini” organizes a training course in the field of educational developments, education sciences and school subjects at the Moroccan school 1938
The Memory of Ait Hanini Association for Culture and Development organized a free training course in the field of educational developments, education sciences, and school materials in the Moroccan school (Amazigh language, Arabic language, French language, mathematics and science) on August 09 and 10, 2023 at the Sociocultural Center in the Tagajouine Center, which was supervised by the educational inspectors Driss Kaji and Jamal Gobid and Mustafa Omoush, with the contribution of the Amazigh language teacher, Moaz Ashwi, and in the presence of the educational inspector, Mujahid Amhanawi.
“memory of Ait Hanini” organizes a training course in the field of educational developments, education sciences and school subjects at the Moroccan school 1-730
More than 20 female and male beneficiaries from Tagajouine and a number of neighboring regions attended this course (Tunfit, Tizi-N-Isly, Moulouya Al-Olaya….).
“memory of Ait Hanini” organizes a training course in the field of educational developments, education sciences and school subjects at the Moroccan school 1-731
The association took care of everything related to nutrition and providing shelter for male and female beneficiaries. At the end of the training session in its first edition, certificates of attendance and certificates of thanks and appreciation were distributed to all those who contributed to the success of this educational activity, the first of its kind in the region.

Source : websites