Silver Festival in Algeria.. A festival in a village high in the mountains attracts tourists
Silver Festival in Algeria.. A festival in a village high in the mountains attracts tourists 1945
Silver feast in the village of Beni Yeni in the Algerian state of Tizi Ouzou (Photo: Facebook)
Al-Halli celebrates its feast on the occasion of the Feast of Silver or Al-Fatta - as it is pronounced in Amazigh - in the village of Beni Yeni, in the high mountains of Tizi Ouzou in Algeria.
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In this regard, a festival is being organized for the Silver Festival in its seventeenth edition, as its dimensions go beyond the economy and trade exchange to the preservation of an ancient material heritage.
More than 100 craftsmen from the Kabylie region attended to participate in its activities this year, accompanied by 30 from different parts of the country, with the special participation of 15 states.
Silver feast emblem in Algeria
The Silver Festival is witnessing a wide public turnout, especially with the development of silver designs that kept pace with the times and the development of tribal dress fashion. It raises the slogan of traditional jewelry as an essential pillar for the recovery of the local economy.
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One of the attendees at the festival expressed, in her interview with Al-Araby, the society's pride in silver, "because it represents our history and identity."
And she pointed out that "these ornaments have preserved their existence and have not been outdated by time, despite the developments taking place in the world of fashion and fashion."
While this profession also faces difficulties, as artisans complain about the lack of support and the absence and scarcity of raw materials, the exhibition continues with its commercial and cultural dimensions, without neglecting the tourist attractions that result in the annual prosperity of the village.
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Silver represents a source of livelihood for more than 80% of the families of Bani Yeni village. Although they inherit the silver industry from generation to generation, most of them agree that silver jewelry is not only for decoration, but rather a history and originality that they are proud of.

Source: websites