Neanderthals and Sapiens: the clash of cultures
Neanderthals and Sapiens: the clash of cultures 1950
?Controversy: Did Homo Sapiens and Neanderthal Man meet in the Châtelperronian?

A fundamental controversy is currently agitating anthropological circles. If the thesis according to which homo sapiens and Neanderthal man coexisted is now unanimously accepted, the question of the interbreeding of these two populations divides scientists.
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This controversy involves paleontologists and geneticists, but it is not just limited to scientific controversy. Sociological elements come into play. Indeed, if it is proven that interbreeding took place, it would mean that we are partly descended from Neanderthals, these individuals so decried in the 19th century. This controversy then takes on another dimension: did the researchers want to exclude the theory of interbreeding to highlight our estrangement from this ape-like man?
Structure of the site
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The Context tab presents the elements necessary to fully understand the controversy: presentation of the Chatelperronian, description of Neanderthal man and comparison with Homo sapiens. Subsequently, the site user is able to enter the controversy by clicking on the Controversy tab.

Finally, to make the site easier to read, a Glossary brings together the definitions of the keywords in the controversy. An asterisk * indicates the words that are defined there and refers to their definition. Similarly, the symbol ° indicates the actors in the controversy and refers to the Actors page.

Source: websites